Looking at the Baby Jesus

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What do you experience when you meditate on the Baby Jesus?

I will start with a poem.

Looking at the Baby Jesus

I see a simple woman with her Loving Child,
our beloved lady with the infant Jesus.
She smiles as she hands me my sweet Lord,
the all-powerful, all-knowing, merciful Word.

In my arms is Jesus the Baby,
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
standing near is the beautiful Lady,
Grace-filled Mary, mother of the Word.

He is all sweetness and goodness ever known
laying in my arms, so quiet and mild.
In my actions, may my love for Him be shown,
He for my sake, became this simple child.

Jesus smiles His Love overwhelms me.
Filling me with His love so fine.
Calling me to love all with Him,
Love Incarnate, Love Eternal, Love Divine.

My soul leaps high upon His gaze.
His Joy fills me absolutely overwhelmingly.
O what must heaven in its glories be like
to share in God like this eternally.

I hand the Child back to His mother
falling on my knees in humble adoration
knowing this is my God who is so good
deserving all praise in endless adoration.

All Praise, all honor to our great King
of Whom my soul in endless awe shall sing.
For each of us, His endless mercy bring
So that we share in His Life unending.
What is the essence that is Christ Jesus? The child is the essence of what is Christ Jesus the man and God, who died for all humanity in His human flesh and His Divine nature, this essence is purity beyond all children, their innocence we see and know, abortion we call the slaughter of the innocent, but dear friends this is what happened upon the Cross when Christ Jesus died for us. It is the laying down of innocence for the redemption of the unpure, what could negate impurity but purity? What is pure but the Divine? How does Divinity become a sacrifice, our Father is eternal, how does the eternal Father save the mortal? By becoming mortal Himself and raising it into the eternal and this cannot be done without the purity that is Divinity. How does the eternal purity of Divinity come to you and make a share in humanity, but to come to you more pure than a child more innocent and with a spirit that is Divine but is in all terms human.? Only by being conceived into purity, only by sharing human flesh that has not been made LESS innocent and The Mother of God, Mary who was made a Holy Vessel for Divinity in human flesh could bear such a Spirit.

And why should not wisdom reside in Divine innocence, because in the innocent wisdom is not corrupt but is in all truth the pure Divine wisdom?

Did this divine child Jesus Christ know all at His birth, no He didn’t it was a constant revelation to Him , until He knew He must be about His Fathers business, He retreated from the world, and here in this retreat His exceeding child-like innocence was tested by Satan and Satan did not prevail. How? because dear friends, Christ Jesus, knows His Father in Heaven and trusts His Father in Heaven submits to the will of His Father in Heaven and so you too must be like a child, like the Infant Jesus whose spirit and heart is still as pure and sensitive even until death, must submit to your Father in Heaven who’s love exceeds the Cross, because He allowed the Cross, but He GAVE his Son.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you xxx

what beautiful offerings, thank you, all of you who posted, especially the poem. as the grandma of a new baby, recently baptized, I cannot look at the baby with his mother, our youngest daughter, without meditating on the baby Jesus in Mary’s arms. do you suppose He had colic? I received some material from the Holy Childhood association to use in our CCD programs, focusing our attention on the needs of children throughout the world. I hope we can love every child in need with the same love the image of baby Jesus arouses in us. It is not for nothing that Therese chose to honor the Child Jesus in her choice of name in religion.
Sometimes after Communion I imagine coming upon the scene of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the cave. There are many others there who have been adoring for some time. I move side to side trying to catch a glimpse. Somehow, out of the corner of her eye, Mary notices me. She smiles and motions for me to come closer and asks me if I would like to hold the Son of God.

The Son of God!

I am humbled and can’t understand how she or any of the other adorers would allow it, but I eagerly accept her invitation. Why am I so amazed that he is just as helpless and fragile as any other newborn baby? How unworthy I am to be holding this baby, who came to die for me in front of his own mother so that I could live with him forever! But to my surprise, no one seems to look at me disapprovingly, or with worry, but everyone is smiling and sharing my joy. I kiss the baby Jesus on the cheek, nestle him on my shoulder and remain quiet and still with my eyes shut and my cheek on his for as long as I am able.
Here is a nice reflection about the sleeping Infant.
And dear St. Joseph; I love that man!

This thread is my first Christmas present of 2004. Thank you all.
I ponder sweet Mary “with child”, smiling, caressing and holding in her heart her happy secret. O happiness such as angels and men have never known!

The silent knowing and sacred wonder of a young virgin lost in prayer. O holy mother; o saintly child, the Lord of the Universe has rained down mercy and reigns now in the kingdom of one human heart.

Happy Virgin, gentle maid, contentment knew no time akin to this. No rumor can touch you, no scorn prevent you, even the stones that threaten have no power before your “Fiat”.

The hope of ages past and eons yet to be, take shape and form under the cover of a sacred darkness. O Light in hallowed darkness, O resplendent Being, yet unborn; here the precious secret and promised Savior.

All hidden, all serene, growing, nutured by constant joy. Power that knows no bounds chained by nature’s cord. Draw ever closer to our happy day!

**Comes then the moment, Mary’s silent Truth celebrated in happy confirmation. Oh secret wonder, with joyful shout, **Elizabeth announces a new dawn. She speaks for us, unworthy in the presence of her Lady and her Lord. Oh little John, baptized in the waters of the womb, celebrate for us that coming like no other. Come, Lord Jesus, come! Come O Sacred Babe!

I use various meditations on the baby Jesus and the child Jesus when I am feeling down to lighten my spirits.

Last night, my wife & I meditated on the child Jesus playing with sheep in a field under the careful watch of His mother and a shephard. He was laughing and running with the sheep, having fun with them. Such a pleasure to watch.
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