Looking for a philosophy/theology of Music

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Hey guys,

For all you philosophy/theology buffs I am looking anything on the philosophy or theology of music. I don’t mean liturgical music but just the existence of music in general. I’m looking for some deep interpretations as to what music is and what it all means. It doesn’t have be Christian. Thanks!
I think anthropology might give you a better description of music from a societal standpoint.

The only philosophic text I know of that addresses music is Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragidy.
There is a good intro to the philosophy, with lots of references for further reading, in this SEP entry.

Don’t know much about the theology. You could use a keyword search such as this one to find references to music and singing in the bible and then look at commentaries on those verses.

Outside biblical tradition, there was an ancient belief in the music of celestial spheres, which later gets associated with St Cecilia, patron saint of musicians, in works such as this piece by Handel.
Freddie Mercury is a start
You have Lennon
So many, where to start?
The Temptations
How late must I stay up to make a list?
It’s too darn long.

Too many talented people sharing their lives with us in their voices, in their music, that we will never forget
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