Really? They decide who can be priest and who cannot? I thought they accepted that people find it to be the will of God calling them**
It depends upon the community. With monks, one’s first vocation will indeed be the monastic vocation. Of course, if you enter an abbey that runs a seminary and you express the desire to be a priest, then the effort to realize it is less hard. Other monasteries, however, would have to make other arrangements, which could be involved. And the abbot is keen in the discernment process.
On the other hand, there are orders, such as the Dominicans or the Norbertines, where the clerical route is normative. That is something you have to discern with the religious community you would be interested in – and they in discerning if you are called.
I am not sure how you are using the term “traditional”. If by traditional you mean orders and congregations which retain customs and their charism of the past, there are many from which to choose. If by traditional you mean who celebrate the Mass and the sacraments according to the vetus ordo, that is something you also have to thoughtfully discern. The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter do not use the novus ordo, for example. There would be rare occasions, on the other hand, for a Dominican to celebrate Mass or confect the sacraments using the vetus ordo. Your preference for the liturgy, then, will circumscribe the vocational paths.
I would suggest reaching out to those who are vocation directors…firstly for your diocese, since they will be closer at hand. They will be prepared to help you systematically explore what is the gamut of possibilities. From there, one can begin to interact with the many different types of consecrated life: contemplative, active, mixed…monks, friars, missionary congregations, societies of apostolic life, eremetical life, as well as the newer forms of consecrated life and the new ecclesial movements. Until you are actually meeting with communities, one essentially has only an intellectual concept, at best.
It is also a good thing to seek out a spiritual director to help you…and also for you to advise your parish priest since he will also have a role to play in the eventual unfolding of your interest.