Looking for a study resource for a mom's group at church

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I’m going to be leading a mom’s study group at church. In the past we’ve done Power of a Praying Parent and Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. I’m looking for a new resource for this fall. Any suggestions?


In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
How about:
Mother’s Prayers

This has been recently introduced in our parish. A lady from England came out to give a talk on it. It looks good but I can’t join cause I’m a guy…

I have gotten a lot from Familia www.familiausa.net

they have a program based upon the theology of the body, by the late, great Holy Father.

It is an awesome study of the Gospel readings, the CCC, and documents from the Holy Father – with direction and help for understanding it.
How about:
Mother’s Prayers

This has been recently introduced in our parish. A lady from England came out to give a talk on it. It looks good but I can’t join cause I’m a guy…

Thanks for much for the site but I was thinking more of a book. Looks like a great place to go for prayer!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I second the Familia reccommendation.

http://www.regnumchristi.org/english/imagenes/rc/logo16.gif**Apostolates **
Family **FAMILIA **

**FAMILIA is a national apostolate of Catholic laity committed to the well-being of the family. **

http://legrc.org/regnum_db/imagenes_db/apostolates/familia1.jpgBuilding for the future.regnumchristi.org/english/imagenes/lupa.gifFAMILIA is a national apostolate of Catholic laity committed to the well-being of the family. Its programs are directed to fostering the development of religious, moral, psychological and social values in the family.

It seeks to help parents develop a strong family structure, promote harmony among family members (especially husband and wife), motivate and assist young people as they mature, and foster an awareness of the need for Christ and the Church in daily family life.

Drawing upon the Gospel, the Catechism of the catholic Church, and various other Church documents, we promote the Church´s beautiful teachings concerning marriage and family life.

For more information please contact us at infoeng@regnumchristi.org
I’m not a woman, but I’m married to one and I think I have some book ideas your group might like:
  1. Decoding DaVinci, by Amy Welborn. This is a very slim book, book it’s full of good info that debunks one of the most successful pieces of literary misinformation in decades, The Da Vinci Code. Each chapter ends with questions for group discussion.
  2. The DaVinci Hoax, by Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel. A longer treatment of the subject, questions for group study are available at this site:
  3. The Rapture Trap, by Paul Thigpen, another “debunking book,” this one about the errors of the anti-Catholic “Left Behind” theology and the popular books series based on those errors. A nice study guide is also available:
  4. Living The Catholic Faith, a more general book by one of my heroes, Bishop Charles Chaput of Denver. It’s described as "a sound, contemporary vision for understanding the teachings of the Church. “…every person who is searching for the best way to live their faith amidst day-to-day struggles will benefit from this book” (Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago). An easy read, it also has a study guide for groups.
  5. A Mother’s Rule of Life, by Holly Pierlot. Based on monastic principles adapted for mothers, it is “a pattern for living that combines the spiritual wisdom of the monastery with the practical wisdom of motherhood”.
    I’ve heard of many women, mostly mothers of young children, who swear by this book. There is no study guide available, but Kimberly Hahn is coming out with a multi-CD series based on this book.
  6. Finally, consider doing a Bible study using one of the* Ignatius Study Bibles*. Each one is a small paperback of a book of the New Testament (so far, the Gospels thru I & II Corinthians) that has a wealth of information. Each chapter has questions about the text and for practical application.
This should get you started. For more ideas, visit my webpage, linked below.
Another thread effectively killed. 😉

CA Forums Threadkiller Club, Charter Member
Vatican II asked women to accept God’s urgent call to “aid humanity in not falling”. Based on Johnnette Benkovic’s book, Full of Grace, this study will teach you how by revealing God’s purpose and mission for you. In a group study format with video lectures by Johnnette Benkovic, host of The Abundant Life, you’ll delve into prayer, Sacred Scripture, Church documents and teachings, the Catechism, the lives of women saints, and the example of our Blessed Mother. You’ll be nurtured and fed spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. You’ll learn to embrace your gift of authentic femininity and your dignity as a daughter of God. You’ll be equipped to fulfill your call and mission as a woman of grace in the world today
I heard Johnette Benkovic has an excellent course for Women of Grace which sounds exciting and is catching on across America. It certainly looks informative, inspirational and well-balanced.

Try Women of Grace

I heard it being talked about on the radio and checked out the website. I spoke to a few of my friends and we are thinking about doing it.

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