This is my very first post. I have been looking for a non-denominational church home for about 2 years now, after leaving the last church I was a member of. My journey has led me to the point where I feel that my place is in the Catholic church. I was baptized in the Catholic Church as an infant, but my mother converted to a Protestant faith when I was 4 years old, and by default, so did I. But the church she attended only served to alienate me from all things religious. I stopped attending church when I was 15 and never went back; until about 4 years ago (I was 28 at that time).
The non-denominational church I was invited to seemed great. Fantastic music, and open, tolerant environment. But I soon realized that they didn’t preach the absolute truth of the Gospel. It was more a social environment than anything else. In seeking a new church, I have found only more of the same, to varying degrees.
But as I read more and more about my original Catholic roots, I find precisely that which I need, both for myself and my new family (my wife and I have 3-month old twins; and I have an 11-year-old stepson): a Church that unapolagetically preaches absoltue truth and actually has expectations of me to lead a moral life. The other churches I attended only expected me to tithe.
I need to take the next step, which is the purpose of this post.
I’m hoping someone can suggest a good parish in Orange County (southern california). I’m in Anaheim, but I can travel to pretty much anywhere in central to north Orange County. My wife nad I have disussed this at length, and we want to do the right thing for our family. With each passing day, I’m beginning to realize that this is the right thing. This is where God is leading me. Full circle, I’m coming back home.
Thank you to anyone who can suggest a parish. God bless you all.
The non-denominational church I was invited to seemed great. Fantastic music, and open, tolerant environment. But I soon realized that they didn’t preach the absolute truth of the Gospel. It was more a social environment than anything else. In seeking a new church, I have found only more of the same, to varying degrees.
But as I read more and more about my original Catholic roots, I find precisely that which I need, both for myself and my new family (my wife and I have 3-month old twins; and I have an 11-year-old stepson): a Church that unapolagetically preaches absoltue truth and actually has expectations of me to lead a moral life. The other churches I attended only expected me to tithe.
I need to take the next step, which is the purpose of this post.
I’m hoping someone can suggest a good parish in Orange County (southern california). I’m in Anaheim, but I can travel to pretty much anywhere in central to north Orange County. My wife nad I have disussed this at length, and we want to do the right thing for our family. With each passing day, I’m beginning to realize that this is the right thing. This is where God is leading me. Full circle, I’m coming back home.
Thank you to anyone who can suggest a parish. God bless you all.