Looking for book(s) recommendations (Hahn and more)

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I wish to do some reading of Scott Hahns. Being a woefully slow reader and lacking of time, I’d like to take suggestions as to what book of his might be a good place to begin.

Let’s rule out “Home Sweet Rome” (I believe is the title) it’s more his teachings I’d like to study then his conversion story.

On the same note, I have a 20 year old daughter who is to begin RCIA classes this fall at her University. I attempt to get her to read some books I have read but she is more the novel/story/fun type reader and “the Imitation of Christ” of “Confessions of Saint Augustine” just aren’t her cup-of-tea at this point. Any suggested reading for her would also be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks to all.
I’m presently reading Scott Hahn’s Swear To God and I have read and highly recommend: *The Lamb’s Supper,Hail Holy Queen, Lord, Have Mercy and Understanind “Our Father”.🙂 *
If your short on time specifically to sit down and read books I am wondering if you might have time to listen to tapes (maybe while you drive to and from work). If you do, then Scott Hahn has many great studies available from St. Joseph Communications (saintjoe.com).

I highly recommend the following:
The Fourth Cup
The Bible Alone?
The Letter to the Hebrews: The House of the Rising Son
Salvation History
Answering Common Objections

As far as books go, I recommend the following from Hahn:
The Lamb’s Supper
A Father Who Keeps His Promises

For other authors:
The Spirit of Catholicism by Fr. Karl Adam
The Catholic Catechism by Fr. John Hardon
The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton
Theology and Sanity by Frank Sheed
Evangelical Is Not Enough by Thomas Howard
Life is Worth Living by Fulton Sheen
Lift Up Your Hearts by Fulton Sheen

The list goes on and on and on…

For the more fun/novel type of story, try the Father Brown stories of G. K. Chesterton. They are fun stories but touch on many aspects of faith; however, you need to remember that these were written around 100 years ago and reflect that time. You might also try “Platitudes Undone” by G. K. Chesterton.
space ghost:
Karl Keatings "Fundamentalism vs Romanism… great book… 👍
The title is "Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The attack on Catholicism by “Bible Christians”

A great book.
Another vote for Scott Hahn’s:
The Fourth Cup
Hail Holy Queen

If “Confessions”, and “Imitations” are a little heavy for her maybe she would like the “Surprised By Truth” books by Patrick Madrid.
They are short conversion stories that are great!

Another series of books I love are the “Radio Replies”. Don’t have them with me now so I can’t tell you the authors names… Help anyone??

~ Peace and all good ~
On the same note, I have a 20 year old daughter who is to begin RCIA classes this fall at her University. I attempt to get her to read some books I have read but she is more the novel/story/fun type reader and “the Imitation of Christ” of “Confessions of Saint Augustine” just aren’t her cup-of-tea at this point. Any suggested reading for her would also be greatly appreciated!!
Here are two books that come to mind. I haven’t read either yet but they have very good reviews.
  1. Marcus Grodi’s novel, How Firm a Foundation.
  2. Rod Bennett’s book, Four Witnesses: The Early Church in Her Own Words. Although more of a history book, reviewers say this book reads like a novel.
I wish to do some reading of Scott Hahns. Being a woefully slow reader and lacking of time, I’d like to take suggestions as to what book of his might be a good place to begin.

Let’s rule out “Home Sweet Rome” (I believe is the title) it’s more his teachings I’d like to study then his conversion story.

On the same note, I have a 20 year old daughter who is to begin RCIA classes this fall at her University. I attempt to get her to read some books I have read but she is more the novel/story/fun type reader and “the Imitation of Christ” of “Confessions of Saint Augustine” just aren’t her cup-of-tea at this point. Any suggested reading for her would also be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks to all.
If Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, and you’re looking for something by Scott Hahn, try The Supper of the Lamb. And very good that you read slowly because that’s how you should read this one, along with going to Mass a bit more frequently to assimilate all that he is saying and thus, what the Holy Spirit reveals for you.

If your daughter is 20 and been out of the loop, try C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. Or maybe The Holy Longing (The Search for a Christian Spirituality) by Ronald Rolheiser. Also, I HIGHLY recommend the Navarre Commentary Bible. The footnotes bring Scriptures & our Church Fathers and the Saints and the Catechism to life for our lives today.

Does your daughter know how to pray? Get her the Miracle Hour (A Method of Prayer That Will Change Your Life) by Linda Schubert and Living the Incarnation (Praying with Francis & Clare of Assisi) by Sr. Frances Teresa OSC.

Hope this helps.
Fr Leslie Rumble and Fr Carty wrote the Radio Replies. Fr Rumble was an Australian I think. 🙂

Mijoy, if your 20 year old is a typical undercatechised Catholic of today then I wouldn’t recommend anything too heavy. The following I have found useful.
  1. The 'Prove It ’ books by Amy Welborn. Some titles are ‘Prove It God’ and ‘Prove It Jesus’. She has also written De-coding Da Vinci a very user friendly book which discussed the errors in The Da Vinci Code. Everyone at uni is bound to have read TDC. These books are published by Our Sunday Visitor I think.
  2. Teen Catechism by Fr Alfred McBride, O.Praem "Along with Holy Scripture and the celebration fo the Sacraments, this Catechism should provide young people with a tool of Catholic learning as well as a guide to morality, prayer and the outline of a Catholic lifestyle.
  3. Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed (born in Australia 🙂
    My son read this when he was 16 and it brought him back to the Church.
  4. Louis de Wohl’s novels about the saints. “The Joyful Beggar” about St Francis of Assissi and “The Sword and the Flame” about St Augustine are two my son has read and liked.
Mijoy re your personal reading there are a couple of threads in the forum which have great recommendations for theological and/or spiritual development.
The response to this has been magnificient. Thank you all very much.
Two other recommendations:

The End by Scott Hahn (an excellent study on Revelation)

Faith and Certitude by Thomas Dubay (first name might be wrong)
I second “Theology For Beginners” by Frank Sheed. I thought he was a Roman Catholic street debater from England rather than Austalia though)

I also highly recommend “Your God Is Too Small” by J.B. Phillips
At about 120 pages it is a good book on the basics of belief in God and being a Christian.

Written by a high Anglican there is nothing at all inconsistent with current Roman Catholic teachings. I have given away copies to people who are question their faith in God.

“Mere Christianity” is also a great C.S. Lewis classic on basics and can often be found in public liraries in print or on tape.

God Bless!
Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed (born in Australia 🙂
I second “Theology For Beginners” by Frank Sheed. I thought he was a Roman Catholic street debater from England rather than Austalia though)
I’m not sure where he was born, but I do seem to remember reading that he practiced street debating in England (actually in parks rather than on the street) in “Catholic Evidence Training Guidelines.”
I HIGHLY recommend Pierced by a Sword, Conceived Without Sin, and House of Gold by Bud McFarland Jr. They are available at catholicity.com/saintjude/ at no cost. They are novels that very artfully communicate the faith and entertain simultaneously. 👍
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