Looking for Diocese that need priests in Canada or US

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I am a catholic priest from Nigeria working in Canada but needed to explore another diocese in Canada or United States as the Diocese i am working has more priests than they actually need at the moment because some priests whose contract would have ordinarily expired this year decided to renew their contracts. Kindly help me locate Dioceses that may need my assistance in Canada or even in United States. I am fluent in English.
You may find it worth your while to look at the Diocese of Portland, Maine, USA (right over the border from New Brunswick). It’s an incredibly geographically large Diocese, with very few priests. Most priests handle 3-5 parishes.

If not, it may be worth your time to help minister to one of the African communities which has popped up. I am most familiar with the East Coast, and there seem to be many in Massachusetts.
Diocese of Saint Paul in Alberta, Canada might be in need of another priest. Most priests out here manage 3 or 4 parishes, leaving them with little time to tend the specific needs of each parish.
All the best in your search, and God bless!!!
I am a catholic priest from Nigeria working in Canada but needed to explore another diocese in Canada or United States as the Diocese i am working has more priests than they actually need at the moment because some priests whose contract would have ordinarily expired this year decided to renew their contracts. Kindly help me locate Dioceses that may need my assistance in Canada or even in United States. I am fluent in English.
Look up the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, where I’m from. Since you are working in Canada now, maybe the weather/culture shock wouldn’t be too bad for you. The Twin Cities has a large Somali population. I don’t know for sure if the archdiocese needs more priests, but it might be worth a try.

Our family has been very happy here. My sister and her husband moved in 2000 for his job and are raising a family in the suburbs, and my parents and I followed in 2010. There is a lot to do here in terms of culture, sports, etc.

Lutheranism (ELCA) is the dominant denomination here, but Catholicism is second.

Best wishes to you.
Sadly, having priests cover 3 or 4 parishes is something that has become common in a number of U.S. dioceses.
If you have a heart for God, evangelism come to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. This diocese is always in need of good priests. If you have a friendly disposition, I know for a fact St Willibrord’a Parish in Verdun, Quebec is going to be needing a new priest starting in September. Their current priest is leaving to study in Rome. They are part of the Montreal Catholic diocese. They are a growing parish who really loves their present priest and God. They are on Facebook and they have their own website.

Here is a link for the diocese.


If you want more information about this parish, please send me a line.

You’d be welcome in the Diocese of Spokane (Washington). Especially if you bring along a bunch of your priest friends! We actually had a priest from Nigeria in our old parish for a while - really liked him, but he ended up moving to Seattle.

It’s not uncommon here for one priest to cover many parishes. At our present parish we have, for the time being, a priest who comes twice a month. He covers all the parishes on the reservation.
Hello, am a missionary priest of the holy ghost congregation. currently, am working mexico and i will be due from vacations in 2015 around July. am looking for where i could help a little before proceeding home in nigeria.
I am a catholic priest from Nigeria working in Canada but needed to explore another diocese in Canada or United States as the Diocese i am working has more priests than they actually need at the moment because some priests whose contract would have ordinarily expired this year decided to renew their contracts. Kindly help me locate Dioceses that may need my assistance in Canada or even in United States. I am fluent in English.
The fact is, Father, that you could find a lot of work in nearly every diocese in the United States.

Lord, graciously grant us more priests!
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