Looking for Reading and Guidance

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Greetings all –

I’m looking for guidance and reading materials to better educate myself on the catholic faith. I was raised Presbyterian, and my family experience has been nothing but loving and positive in my faith journey. I’ve never known any discord between my friends, or fellow religions - Until now, and I’m seeking guidance. My boyfriend and I are thinking very seriously about marriage, but while our personal discussions are very harmonious with regards to values, his family is devoutly RC and is far less than thrilled about this. He is not practicing, and wasn’t before he met me, but his family holds the catholic faith far closer. I wish to respect that and understand that, because while he may not hold tightly to his faith now, I would hope he returns to his roots. With his family, I’ve never known such passionate feelings against me for my faith, and I don’t want to be viewed as less than or beneath them. His mother didn’t even ask my name; only if I was catholic. When the answer was no, the door closed to welcoming me in. I’m devastated, because I love him, and hope that we’ll all be able to share in life and love together. He just says they’ll get over it and learn to love me as he does - but I don’t think it that simple. I’m not looking for an answer as to what religion is right, or to be given opinions on this discussion, as to find some guidance and love from fellow Christians, as I believe all of us to be, and some reference materials to better educate myself with on the Catholic principals. My journey may lead me to explore this, but I don’t feel compelled to leap from my faith, just to do so. It needs to be grounded with solid teachings and study, to decide what the right path may be. Any guidance or personal references would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
One of the best one-volume books on the Faith is THE FAITH EXPLAINED by Leo Trese. Very orthodox and easy to read–a great book to start with. I give this book to anyone who tells me he wants to know more about the Catholic Faith. (Unfortunately it will not explain the impolite behavior of your boyfriend’s mother!)

I’l pray for you.

Chris C.
I do not personally know of any books for you. If you do not get more responses, try posting in Apologetics. There are always many responses and ideas for reading when a question like this is posted.

God Bless you on your journey. And you are wise to look into this now. People usually go back to their roots. With his family the way it is, I do not think any sort of mixed marriage would work out in the long run.
I would recommend:
Catholicism for Dummies, by John Trigilio & Kenneth Brighenti.

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