Yes, thank you TAN for book like:
"Mr. Johnston confesses that he used to be a believer in Evolution. But reading a book on the subject opened his eyes, and after much study he wrote this present book. He gives both scientific findings and Catholic teaching to show that the theory of Evolution is incompatible with both Catholic teaching and common sense. His reason for studying Evolution, as he quotes one eminent writer, is that “Every attack on the Christian Faith made today has, as its basis, the doctrine of Evolution.”
“Former Title: Why Colleges Breed Communists. Absolutely devastates Evolution as a credible theory. Studies the history, the theories, the “proof,” the propaganda campaign for, and the results of the theory of Evolution; plus gives the preponderating evidence against it. Great and sadly needed to dispel the now almost universal assumption that Evolution is true.”
“The error of Evolution, the truth of the Flood, the real age of the earth, the accuracy of the Bible account of creation, how science supports the Bible, etc., etc. Fabulously interesting, especially on the Flood!”
"Memoirs of a Communist injured in an auto accident in France; he died in the hospital a few hours later. The nurse who attended him kept his journals, read them and published them as AA-1025. He had become a Catholic priest to subvert the Church from within. Describes his methods & plans. Says there were many more like him. Very enlightening! "
"Refutes every aspect of the deadly error that one religion is as good as another and that a person has a moral right to choose whichever religion suits him best. Cuts through the foggy religious thinking rampant today! "
"Proves why classroom sex education is always wrong and always harmful, that it destroys modesty, awakens the passions, promotes sexual activity and fosters acceptance of sexual sins. Shows where it comes from, who promotes it, that it is all-pervasive. Gives the Church’s position, that sex education is the right and duty of parents only, which may be delegated to others, but never usurped! A must for parents, teachers and priests. "