I don’t want this to sound harsh, it’s not meant to be.
So first, don’t spend money on intercultural studies.
At best intercultural studies is going to have a bent towards Liberation Theology…which is Marxist…which is anti-Christian. Though usually they are just straight up Marxist without the veil of theology. If you truly have an interest in it, just study it on your own. You can still go to all the Antifa protests without worrying about the $30,000 in school loans you have to pay for the minor which you can’t use.
If you are really interested, just do your internships in a multi-cultural environment (that’s what I did). It will give you more experience than some classes and be of more value.
Secondly, if you are going for Psych, you really need a Master’s. Head towards that with a singular intentional focus. Max your load each semester and don’t freak out about the GPA, your clients won’t care about your grades, only about how you provide care. Go to a Community College connected to a 4 year school which is connected to a Grad School. This will be you cheapest and possibly smoothest route.
Psychologists don’t get paid much, so the goal is to have as little debt as possible when you get out.
Thirdly, and don’t take this the wrong way, if you haven’t done your own emotional / therapy work, start with that. With more than a decade in the Pastoral and Counseling field I have seen most undergrad Psych / SW students are taking it in hopes of fixing something in themselves. Just do the work now and save yourself a decade of possibly being unhappy. If it turns out you really do have a passion for helping others, having done your own work will be of incredible value!
Good luck!