loosing faith

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I was doing prolife work and was annihalated. Very skeptical now. Broken hearted. Will I have to leave the American Catholic Church?
How sad.

But I am not sure what you mean by “annihilated.” Did you mean to say that you burned out?

How does it logically follow that being burned out in the prolife movement means that you have leave the American Catholic Church?

Do you mean you want to leave the Catholic Church or that you want to leave the country?
Do you mean you are a member of the “American Catholic Church”? The splinter group?

BTW- I am sorry for your bad experience. Even Jesus was ridiculed.
What’s the deal with people all over the boards loosing their faith? Go find it again!

If you are in the American Catholic Church (a liberal splinter group from the Old Catholics) then the first place you should look is the actual Catholic Church. You’ll get a lot of support there for the place in your heart for unborn babies! As well as some much needed sanctifying grace in the sacraments. If you belong to an ethnic parish, you can look into the Catholic ethnic or Eastern Rite parishes as well.

Lastly, when you don’t have a feeling of faith, you do have your reason. You must simply choose to continue living a life in Christ and choose to act accordingly.

Check this out.
Well, I would say that everyone has their times of feeling somehow alienated to the Faith. With all the noise in the world and contradicting opinions, it is tough some times to see the Truth. Just think about your reasons for Believing. I’ve had times where I wasn’t sure if I was following God the right way. Every so often, it can still happen. Sometimes, you just have to wade through it and keep trying. I’ll pray for you.

Loosing faith:
I was doing prolife work and was annihalated. Very skeptical now. Broken hearted. Will I have to leave the American Catholic Church?
what is the American Catholic Church? what do you mean by anniihalated (this is not even a word). If you had a bad experience with a person or persons connected with the Catholic Church you should report it to the bishop if it concerned abuse of a person or of the moral, liturgical and sacramental teaching of the Church. such a situation should not affect your faith, because your faith is based on Jesus Christ and founded in the entire Church, not upon certain individuals. Pray for those who hurt you, pray for the Church, and continue praying and working for the unborn.
Annie, he spelled it wrong. The word is:


Main Entry: an·ni·hi·late [m-w.com/images/audio.gif](javascript:popWin(’/cgi-bin/audio.pl?annihi01.wav=annihilate’))
Pronunciation: &-'nI-&-"lAt
Function: verb

1 a : to cause to be of no effect : NULLIFY b : to destroy the substance or force of

2 : to regard as of no consequence

3 : to cause to cease to exist; especially **: KILL

**4 a : to destroy a considerable part of “bombs *annihilated *the city” b : to vanquish completely : ROUT *“annihilated *the visitors 56-0”
Loosing faith, I am sorry you feel bad. Your post was brief, however, so did you mean you are burned out? What did you mean by “American Catholic Church”?

btw, I like your username “loosing faith” as in “to loose faith” as in to evangelize, spread God’s Word. With a username like that, don’t let your setback in fighting abortion make you give up altogether. Those tiny souls need us!!
what is the American Catholic Church? what do you mean by anniihalated (this is not even a word). If you had a bad experience with a person or persons connected with the Catholic Church you should report it to the bishop if it concerned abuse of a person or of the moral, liturgical and sacramental teaching of the Church. such a situation should not affect your faith, because your faith is based on Jesus Christ and founded in the entire Church, not upon certain individuals. Pray for those who hurt you, pray for the Church, and continue praying and working for the unborn.
I belong to the Catholic Church and I am American what is this American Catholic Church???
Maureen Fiore:
I belong to the Catholic Church and I am American what is this American Catholic Church???
There are a lot of churches which call themselves Catholic that are not in communion with Rome. One of them calls itself the “American Catholic Church.” It is a schismatic church that is very liberal (in the spirit of Vatican II, as they say) that broke off from another schismatic church.

However, based on the OP’s second post, she intended the same meaning as you. The Catholic Church in America.

Loosing Faith,
I am in reciept of your PM to me. Between it and this thread I get the impression that you desire US to do something to save YOUR faith. It doesn’t work like that. It is a choice that you make whether the loss of some position of authority is going to cause you to throw your faith away. I, frankly, have very little sympathy for someone who says, “I lost my position of authority in a ministry. I think I’m going to have to leave Catholicism now.” The two have nothing to do with each other and your personal experiences do nothing to mitigate the Truth the church teaches.

What you need to do is find a priest or spiritual director who can counsel you face-to-face. If you’ve been treated unjustly, the SD will help you to align your sufferings with Jesus’ and focus your energies elsewhere. If the SD sees some places of where spiritual growth would assist you in your ministerial work, you would be counselled on what to read and what to do to help strengthen yourself, and therefore your ministry. We here on these boards can do no such thing for you.
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