Lost in my Faith

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I am a 34 year old female. I’ve been married for 3 years. I recently became Catholic and my husband is not interested in the church. He is a “cradle Catholic”. I want to be involved in the church and I want a connection to those who are in the church. I wish there were more members close to my age. Any advice?
Advice? Maybe not. But hi, I’m a 30 year old Catholic adult convert (not married though). I think it really depends just on what parish you’re in. Do you have kids?
Hi! Thank you for responding. No children as of yet. Perhaps one day.
That can sometimes be hard - sometimes it seems like everyone my age is on their 2nd or 3rd kid. Sometimes I have better luck looking at different parishes in the area to see who has activities that fit in my schedule and going to a few different ones.
I can completely relate! I am a member of a parish but I’m not sure I feel 100% at home. I’m still looking at other options. Are you a female as well?
Yup. Single woman. I have commented a few times that my local parish seems to be mostly families with younger kids and retired people, and I often feel like I don’t fit in. Ended up driving like 90min to a big city parish that has a lot more of the late 20’s to 30’s people when I get the chance. They’re out there, it’s just a matter of your local demographics.
I propose to offer your services to either the music ministry or as a lectern or Eucharistic minister, perhaps even for Children’s Liturgy of the Word, if they have something like that at your parish. You’ll always have somewhere to sit with at Mass, even if your husband won’t attend with you, and you’ll meet people and feel more comfortable at parish events.
I second the advice to do something at your parish. Find something to involve yourself in the parish and you will meet people and feel more connected. Don’t worry about age differences so much. It is good to have friends that are older and younger than yourself.

Also, you are a new Catholic. Be a good example and you may lead your husband back to the Church without even asking him to join you.
Are there any bible studies or faith formation groups you can join? Or maybe they have charitable activities like Aid For Friends?

I have considered joining a group. I have been going to the Catholic Women’s meetings in my Archdiocese which is great. I am the younger person by 30 years at least, but hopefully younger women will want to start getting involved.
I have to say that it has been quite disappointing being on this journey with my husband. He has only gone to church occasionally with me. It is not his thing. You are right though. Perhaps I can be a good role model for him and silently get him back into the church.
Call your DRE/Faith Formation director and say “I want to volunteer!”
is there a young adult group nearby or young professionals? you can also look into groups like faith on tap.
Is this parish the same as the one that you went thru RCIA process with ?
Yes! Though I have been exploring other churches in the archdiocese.
Not sure if I said so in another post, but welcome into the Catholic faith. With the little bit you have shared with us about yourself you will love this new part of your journey. The details you will learn…spend time in the silence of the adoration chapel and you will witness miracles. You will know best what those miracles are. Hopefully you can find a church parish that has groups like That Man Is You that may be a draw for your husband. Invite him to come with you to mass and be “open” to him saying no without it becoming an un-necessary fuss like that he has nothing to throw back at you. You would do well with teen groups in the parish. Quite possible their parents will be close in age, and thru meeting you may find another couple who the husband is strong in the faith…then you invite all to get together and let your husband be around strong men. Kind of hard to convey on messaging and I don’t want anyone to take me out of context. A man can be strong in his faith and still have a drink responsibly, still sit in the deer stand. Peace be with you
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