Lost is a place too....."a good and valid place".....(essay)

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About the site from which the following is taken:

Ronald Rolheiser, a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas.
He is a community-builder, lecturer and writer. His books are popular throughout the English-speaking world and his weekly column is carried by more than fifty newspapers worldwide. For most of the 28 years of his priesthood, he taught philosophy at Newman Theological College in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He remains an adjunct faculty member at Seattle University.

Lost is a Place too
(I am only quoting below portions of the overall text to be found on the above link)
"…One of the greatest spiritual writers of all time, John of the Cross, would agree with that. If he was your spiritual director and you explained to him that you were going through a dark, painful patch in life and asked him: “What’s wrong with me?” He would likely answer:

“There’s nothing wrong with you; indeed, there’s a lot right with you. You’re where you should be right now: in the desert, letting the merciless sun do its work; in a dark night, undergoing an alchemy of soul; in exile, lamenting on a foreign shore so that you can better understand your homeland; in the garden, sweating the blood that needs to be sweated to live out your …
…He’d also tell you that this can be a good place to be, a biblical and mystical place”
Thank you for this
Pleasure Alison…St. John of The Cross grasped a very profound truth and expressed it in very profound words. Spritual writers today often have that gift to put a very profound truth (isolated by St. John and giving it the title of “Dark Night”) into simple terms that people can identify with in their own lives and using our common language…the spiritual desert is an abandoned place indeed, but all visit there to some degree or another as The Lord Wills…

I hope Christmas will bring to you much Peace and Joy and on into 2006 and beyond - Barb:wave:
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