Lost my fiance's cat

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My fiance opted to keep her cat at my house until our wedding. Fine by me. I spent two weeks taking care of it, and it seemed to be quite happy.

Then one morning I go to feed the cat and I can’t find it. I searched the entire house and there was no sign of her. My roommate had not seen her either, but I suspect he left the door open (he often does) and she got out.

She’s been missing for three days now. My fiance will be extremely upset by this.
Have you put up missing cat signs and contacted the local shelters or local gov’t agency that picks up strays and such?

Get your roommate to help find that cat.
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Her cat has been missing for three days and you haven’t told her yet?

You need to tell her. A lot of communities have missing pet alert pages on Facebook. Definitely contact a shelter and ask what the best way to go about searching for the cat is. If she’s been missing for three days, you need to act soon.
You really should have told her.

Ask around all your neighbours, put up posters and check social media.
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Did it have a microchip? Perhaps that may be used to trace it?
Has your fiancée had the cat ‘chipped’? A chip is a micro device, readable at most pounds, shelters and Vet’s offices, that would contain your fiancée 's contact info.

If she hasn’t, put up lots of ‘lost cat’ signs. Call your local shelters daily. You should tell your fiancée, as she may have a photograph of the cat, which would make it easier for someone to recognize. Bring copies of the picture to local pounds and shelters.

Please, start this process NOW! You’ve already lost some valuable time. A pet is a member of the family.

Please keep us updated! I wish you, your fiancée, and the cat, the very best! I see someone has already mentioned the microchip option. A very good idea!
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Also try putting out some of the cat’s preferred food and some water. From what I understand, most cats who go “missing” don’t actually wander that far from the place where they started. If you put out some food and water you may be able to attract the cat back to the house. For what it’s worth, we had a cat get outside (our cats are normally inside) and she went missing for a few weeks. During that time we adopted another cat, as we had a second existing cat and he was very lonely. Eventually, our first cat returned. My parents already had one cat and were looking to adopt a second, so the cat who came home now lives with them.
Put the cat’s bedding outside and some of its favourite things, and clothing belonging to your fiancé. If you place this in a box or a crate, the cat might find it to sleep in.

The cat is probably trying to head back to its old home, notify vets, put up posters, put up photos of it on FB sites, and if it is microchipped, contact the company and place a lost on the chip.
Ask the neighbors. Go in Internet & see if you have a community site. Put feelers out there. Call the pound. Get your friend & divide up the reasonable search area & knock on doors. If you can find the cat before she finds out=good. OR let her know as soon as reasonable things have been done to find her.
An animal may want to find its owner. She may be going back where she is familiar.
St. Anthony, a cats been lost & cant be found. Come on down & help us hunt around. Pls help St. Anthony
In Jesus
I didn’t think of it at first…

But the cat is, most likely, looking for your girlfriend.

Cats get attached to places, as well as people. So, your gf should be on the lookout for her lost pet.

Again, the best of luck to you!
Put up posters of the cat in the neighborhood, put its picture on community groups, ask the neighbors, and put the cat’s litter pan outside as this will help it “smell” its way home.
If there is an animal control shelter in your area, check with them too in case the cat was picked up and turned in.
Also, you need to tell your fiancee ASAP.
If you can find the cat before she finds out=good.
Is this a serious suggestion? To lie to his fiancee about her cat? No way. If I found out my fiancee lost my cat, I’d be furious if I found out he kept it from me for days while I could have been looking. Losing a cat is an accident (usually). Lying about it is not. OP, please tell her.
Also, check near your fiancee’s house. Cats often go home.
That was my second thought, but I am not certain how close the OP lives to the cat’s original home. If it’s quite a distance away the cat may not be able to find its way home.
The OP has not been back. I hope he is out looking for and finding the cat. Pretty sure if he finds the cat and tells his girlfriend, it will affect their relationship. Pretty sure if he doesn’t tell her it will affect it too.
Let this be a warning to men who fancy women who are cat people. Disaster awaits.
Seriously though. I would like to know that this is resolved in the best possible way! OP, please update!
I didn’t say lie. I said, if you find the cat before you tell her, that would be better than not having the cat & telling her. Telling her is a must. It’s better w cat in hand.
God bless
I didn’t say lie. I said, if you find the cat before you tell her, that would be better than not having the cat & telling her. Telling her is a must. It’s better w cat in hand.
No, it’s not. The cat has been missing for days and the fiancee deserves to know. Not telling her immediately is a lie.

When she finds out that the cat is missing she can do something about it (provide pictures, search, etc.) but if she finds out the cat has been missing for days and her fiance didn’t even tell her- that’s a serious trust issue. It would make me wonder what he’d be willing to hide from me as a married man. Cats aren’t children, but they are family members. It’s not like he lost something insignificant.
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