Lost my virginity today

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I thought I could stop us, but didn’t. Now it’s too late. Just need advice, encouragement, etc.

I already read this aricle:

and will follow it strictly, but what else is there? I’m trying to figure out when I can get to confession, if possible before Sunday. I really wish my boyfriend and I could go together, but we are long distance and I leave today. I’ve talked to my accountability partner on this, and we are going to talk to my boyfriends mom today when shes off work. and when I get home, I’m going to tell my mom as well. We aren’t going to hide this.

Prayers would be great too, or any prayers we can pray geared towards this. I understand the gravity of this, so please keep harsh criticism to a minimum-none. I know what happened, and I’m not making any excuses.
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You can always recommit yourself to chastity and purity! Jesus loves you always, never forget that 🙂

My prayers are with you
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Please understand that there is no judgment from anyone on you over this. We have all done something regretful and learn from the experience that it is not something we want to embrace. Be strong and don’t be too hard on yourself. Being human was not meant to be easy. We all fail from time to time. Start over and know you are loved no matter what. (((hugs)))
I couldn’t say it better. We’ll be falling till the very end. The important thing is to get up again.
That’s so sad. Make sure that you reconcile but also evaluate if your partner is helping you be holy, or helping you fall.
Depending on the ages involved here there could be legal reasons. I’m uncomfortable if the OP is underage, discussing sex with people on this website.
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I am not going into detail; but I really wish I would have waited. Now that you’ve already done that, WAIT until you are married. I am a lot happier now that I am waiting than I was when I was active. The thing about sin is this: You can always repent of it. Now, that does not excuse you, but I promise, it will make it easier to not do again.
If the OP feels it will help her in this journey, I’m not sure we should discourage it.

Besides, depending on the particular situation, this is probably a time when a girl needs her mother.
I’ve talked to my accountability partner on this, and we are going to talk to my boyfriends mom today when shes off work. and when I get home, I’m going to tell my mom as well. We aren’t going to hide this.
Seems an odd thing to do if you are an adult… How old are you? It is wholly inappropriate for random internet adults to discuss this topic with a minor.
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Have you thought about getting married?
partly because we had been so strongly tempted to sexual sin
Getting married because of a strong sexual desire is really extremely counter to the vocation of marriage. Entering into the purifying and sanctifying Sacrament that marriage is, it should be a positive action not a negative one. The positive action would be to cultivate virtue, life out a holy lifestyle with the possibility of a family, and ultimately, striving towards Heaven with the Eternal Father. The negative action as you express is to get into a purifying Sacrament because you are incapable of controlling sexual urges and simply want to “do things” in a time and place that it is considered okay. This is far from the truth as it is using the person as an means to the ends of sexual gratification.

Honestly, your advice is extremely poor and not inline with Catholic theology.
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