I pray to God to direct my life and I am working with God to change things
I would think that my vocation is to be a wife and mother since I love children, I love all things domestic, I love serving, I know how to submit… My feelings are that I want to be married but of course it could be that I should be single or something else even.
but I wonder, I feel like I know how to be a good wife but do I even know what love is?
Since my senior year of high school ten years ago I have had a string of boyfriends (and short term guys who I don’t consider boyfriends)
with each of my boyfriends it was my hope that they were going to marry me and none of them wanted that… I am aware that this has become some kind of emotional addiction, cycle for me. I do not want that and God has been helping me with chastity (but it’s just the beginning for me!)
After all the boyfriends and the emotional dependence am I even fit to be anyone’s wife or mother? is it my whole desire to be a mother wrong? am i just fixated?
I pray to God to direct my life and I am working with God to change things
I would think that my vocation is to be a wife and mother since I love children, I love all things domestic, I love serving, I know how to submit… My feelings are that I want to be married but of course it could be that I should be single or something else even.
but I wonder, I feel like I know how to be a good wife but do I even know what love is?
Since my senior year of high school ten years ago I have had a string of boyfriends (and short term guys who I don’t consider boyfriends)
with each of my boyfriends it was my hope that they were going to marry me and none of them wanted that… I am aware that this has become some kind of emotional addiction, cycle for me. I do not want that and God has been helping me with chastity (but it’s just the beginning for me!)
After all the boyfriends and the emotional dependence am I even fit to be anyone’s wife or mother? is it my whole desire to be a mother wrong? am i just fixated?