When I have been faced in the past with a person who lies, cheats or steals, I have prayed for that person, attempted to assist them and if they refuse to change their ways or consistently relapse to sin I have distanced myself from them but continue to pray for them. What do you do when it is your son-in-law? He will not allow my daughter or granddaughter to speak with me unless I “respect” him. I do not wish to watch as he beats my daughter, lies, steals or worse, yet I don’t wish to severe ties to my young daughter (18). I have given this young man two years of assistance, guidance to assistance and been sadly disappointed over and over. My daughter does not recognize the abusive relationship. He has severed almost all friends and family from her. I am at a loss. I want to love the sinner but it is hard to continually be hurt emotionally, financially and more.