Love your neighbour

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a main theme of scripture and Christ’s teaching is to love your neighbour as yourself. What if you do not love yourself but rather do not value/despise yourself?
a main theme of scripture and Christ’s teaching is to love your neighbour as yourself. What if you do not love yourself but rather do not value/despise yourself?
You should also love yourself, that is be charitable to yourself and remain in the state of grace. If you disgust yourself, then love others as you should love them.

John 13:34-35
34 A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
35 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.
What if you do not love yourself but rather do not value/despise yourself?
Love your neighbor as yourself is just one of many Scriptural formulations of love. I think this one assumes that you respect yourself and take care of yourself. If you don’t, then:
  • see what else Jesus said about love of neighbor. Forgive, reconcile, serve, feed, protect, make peace, speak the truth, pray for others, do not judge.
  • work on loving yourself. Remember that you are created in the image and likeness of God, you are loved by God more than you can imagine, and the Spirit of God has made its dwelling in you. These are basic reasons to love others and yourself.
  • As you love others, let them love you as well. As you bring out the best in them, let them bring out the best in you. These are aspects of the relationship of love called Communion.
Hello, downloaded!

If you don’t love yourself, you are destroying the Temple of the Holy Spirit while you’re trying to remove the dignity that was vested upon you and not giving importance to the Divine life that was given. Sounds like you’re not giving importance to your neighbor’s life.
That is very sage advice thank you. I pray for the faith that would enable me to believe in that divine love.
a main theme of scripture and Christ’s teaching is to love your neighbour as yourself. What if you do not love yourself but rather do not value/despise yourself?
We must love our fathers, mothers, wives, children, and our neighbor, but in the degree indicated by God: “as ourselves”. Whereas God is to be loved above everything and with our whole selves. We must not love God as we love the dearest people among our neighbors. We must love Him with our whole selves, that is with all the ability to love that is in man: the love of a son, of a husband, of a friend, etc.
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