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Hi Everyone,

I have wondered this for sometime, but I can’t truly resolve it in my own mind. Is love an act of our own will?

We can end up in bad relationships being attracted to the wrong type of people, so that would lead me to believe that it must be an act of our own will. But then you find people who have been married forever and they will say they were just lucky or that it is thanks to God.

Does God guide us somehow that we should be listening for? Or are we completely on our own? Currently I am carrying a torch that I can not let go of and it is very frustrating. How would I know if this is an act of my own will (even though I don’t think I am conrolling it) or if God is trying to tell me something - and maybe I am misunderstanding it.



Love is definitely an act of will. Jesus exhorts us to “Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you” (Mt 5:44) How else could we love the people who hate and persecute us unless it was through an act of will? This is only possible for the human person if we unite our will with the will of God. Only through his grace and guidance can we disengage from our earthly emotions and unite with the justice and mercy of the Lord.

Emotions are an integral part of the human situation. They are not superior to our will, though. Like all else, they are subject to it. What is our will subject to? Hopefully to the Lord’s. For example, even when we do not “feel” religious or particularly Christian, we are still to go to church. It is enough to will ourselves to believe and do as Christ desires. We do not have to “feel” like it. The emotions simply help us to do what is right.

As you well know, when the emotions are not in line with our will, it makes our struggle much harder, and our cross much heavier.

You remind me very much of a dear friend of mine who is struggling with the same thing right now. Her relationship didn’t work out. She’s not sure if she should keep at it or let go. She still feels strongly for the guy. She doesn’t know how to discern where it is God is leading her.

I asked her
  1. Are you called to marriage. (She firmly said yes.)
  2. Do you see dating as a means to finding the husband you will spend forever with? (yes)
  3. Is the current state of this relationship the way you envision your marriage? (no)
  4. Would God wish you to enter a marriage which does not glorify him? (no)
  5. Is this guy leading you closer to Christ? (no)
  6. Is it important that both people be brought together and willing to glorify Christ in a marriage? In other words, can one person make the effort and promises for both? (no)
  7. What does God envision for a Christian marriage? (the relationship Christ has with the Church reflects the relationship a husband and wife are to have)
  8. At this point in time, is that type of relationship possible between you and this guy? (no)
  9. Then would God want you to pursue toward marriage with this man? (no)
  10. Then would God want you to date this man? (no)
  11. If you are called to marriage, and this guy isn’t the guy you are called to marry, at least not at this point in time, then what would God wish you to do? (Look elsewhere)
  12. The problem then has nothing to do with this guy. It has to do with you deciding to unite your will with the will of the Lord.
Thank you for your reply. I really like your questions, it gives me something to think about. I can’t say that I expected marriage from this man anyway. I just truly love his friendship, but I don’t think that it is meant to be.

I suppose that my problem is that when looking at your questions, with him it is all of the correct answers. (Except for question #3 and #8 which only because we don’t have a “romantic” relationship.) So since he has all of the serious things in line its like he ruined me for other “run of the mill” guys. Good guys are very, very hard to find.

I think too that when there is goodness in a person you would be attracted to them - right??

One of your questions I don’t understand. Question #7, you say that the relationship that Christ has with the church reflects what a husband and wife’s relationship should be. What does that mean? What kind of relationship does Christ have with the church?

First, let me say that I have a WONDERFUL husband. He annoys me some times. 😛 But once you are in a truly Christian relationship, it does set the bar very high, doesn’t it? 🙂 For me, at least, it makes me long for what is right and holy.

Now, as for you…

Your question made me smile because the relationship Christ has with his Church is so beautiful and so self-giving, and it is the example he set for us in marriage. To share this joy and peace with you would be my privelege. I will seek out threads to refer you to shortly.

As for the questions, I ask you these:
  1. Are you currently called to marriage?
  2. If yes, then why are you not doing that which the Lord asks you by seeking out the partner you can create this family life with?
  3. If no, what it is that you are called to that you are not putting your focus into while you are instead dating without the intention of marriage?
  4. What would the young man’s responses be to these questions concerning YOU?
  • Is he even currently called to marriage?
  • Do you bring him closer to the Lord?
  • Is the current state of your relationship how he envisions marriage?
I know that there are a number of very fine looking priests who were romantically linked–even engaged–to women before they entered the seminary. No doubt these women would have been very blessed to have such wonderful men as husbands. But what of the men’s callings to the priesthood? Your answers only provide HALF of the picture. It might be great timing for YOU, but if it is not so for HIM, then can you take on all the responsibility? No. Both must come together willingly after true discernment that it is the Lord’s will for their lives. In situations such as yours, when all is great on your side, it is one of those “Maaaaaaan. That stinks.” kinds of times.

As for being attracted to goodness, yes… and no. We are attracted to those people who shine the light of Christ for us (or, at least, if we are in-tune with what God wants, we should be). This is a true and holy love. It is better summed up in the word RESPECT than attracted. We love Christ, who the person is emulating for us. However, sexual/romantic attraction is not a logical conclusion. If that were the case, there would be a great many saints who would not be able to do their work for the people lining up outside their doors wishing to marry them! By this, I do not mean that it was wrong of you to be romantically attracted to him, especially for his devoutness to the Truth. One would hope that your future spouse would hold such an attribute! However, such attraction is also frequently misplaced. Ask any counselor, teacher, or other person in a position of helping a person through an emotional time, and you will hear how common it is for the person to have romantic feelings for the helper.

When we marry, we make a commitment to another, as well as to Christ and his church, about how we will live for the rest of our days here on earth. We commit to being in a family unit. To being open to new life. To always giving of ourselves.

If you, or this man, either one, are not in a position to make this sort of commitment, then the real issue is what is it that God is calling you to instead?

I’ll be back later with the links I promised above.
Thank you for your reply. I really like your questions, it gives me something to think about. I can’t say that I expected marriage from this man anyway. I just truly love his friendship, but I don’t think that it is meant to be.

I suppose that my problem is that when looking at your questions, with him it is all of the correct answers. (Except for question #3 and #8 which only because we don’t have a “romantic” relationship.) So since he has all of the serious things in line its like he ruined me for other “run of the mill” guys. Good guys are very, very hard to find.

I think too that when there is goodness in a person you would be attracted to them - right??

One of your questions I don’t understand. Question #7, you say that the relationship that Christ has with the church reflects what a husband and wife’s relationship should be. What does that mean? What kind of relationship does Christ have with the church?

I will be waiting for those threads you mentioned. Thank you.

I don’t know exactly what God is calling me for. I know when and where I was when I first felt the stirring in my soul, but there really was never an explanation with it. (I am always interested when I hear people say that God is calling them for something, because I didn’t get anything specific.) I know that I want to be in a good relationship, I feel the need for it. I guess like you said a longing for what is right. Like that part of me is missing. I am certain that God put this man in my life - but that doesn’t mean that His goal was for me to fall for him.

I have done all that I know to do to seek out my partner, but I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I too have thought that its a timing thing. I have sorted alot of things out in the past few years - and I’m sure its possible that I haven’t met my guy because he is still sorting things out too. But that isn’t too comforting when I am dealing with my days alone.

My attraction to nt friend is not based on looks - not that he is a repulsive guy. It is strictly because of his goodness and kindness - sounds strange but when I met him slowly I could feel my soul again. It started a new life for me. I have a chapter from before I knew him and I started a new chapter in my life after him.

I don’t know what his answers would be to those questions. I do know that 95% of our discussions are spritual based and that has brought me back to church and the sacraments. We talk about prayer, but I don’t ask him questions specifically about me.

You are exactly correct. The real issue is - what is it that God is calling me to do? But I don’t know how to find that answer.
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