Luis Palau- visit to Omaha

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I recently moved from Omaha, and was surprised when my family there told me that all members of the Diocese were being encouraged by the Archbishop to attend an event by Luis Palau. Here is a link to the article in the Catholic Voice (the Omaha Archdiocese’s newspaper).

My concern is that a large pool of Catholics may hear a message contrary to Catholic teaching. Does anyone have any information about Luis Palau that might help clarify? The article makes it sound as though there will be follow-up sessions with Catholics by Catholics, but the overall message will be one of fundamentalism/evangelism. Maybe I’m making a mountain out of a molehill, but it does seem odd that Omaha is the only place in which Catholics are encouraged to participate in these traveling “festivals.”

Also- sorry if this is the wrong thread. It seemed like the best option out of what I looked at.
I recently moved from Omaha, and was surprised when my family there told me that all members of the Diocese were being encouraged by the Archbishop to attend an event by Luis Palau. Here is a link to the article in the Catholic Voice (the Omaha Archdiocese’s newspaper).

My concern is that a large pool of Catholics may hear a message contrary to Catholic teaching. Does anyone have any information about Luis Palau that might help clarify? The article makes it sound as though there will be follow-up sessions with Catholics by Catholics, but the overall message will be one of fundamentalism/evangelism. Maybe I’m making a mountain out of a molehill, but it does seem odd that Omaha is the only place in which Catholics are encouraged to participate in these traveling “festivals.”

Also- sorry if this is the wrong thread. It seemed like the best option out of what I looked at.

From a (severely critical) page:

While reporting on Amsterdam '86, Fundamental Evangelistic Association reporter Dennis Costella asked Palau if he would cooperate with Roman Catholics. Palau replied that he certainly would and admitted that it was being done. He went on to mention specific plans for more extensive Catholic involvement in his future crusades (Jul/Aug 1986, Foundation magazine). Some of the details of past Palau’s involvement with Catholics follows:

(a) In 1974, in a meeting in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Catholic charismatics were among the counselors (8/16/92, Pastor James E. Singleton sermon, Tri-City Baptist Church, Tempe, Arizona).

(b) In Managua, Nicaragua in 12/75, a conservative tabloid Novedodes carried this headline: “Archbishop sees no problem with the Palau campaign.” The 12/19/75 Christianity Today reported: “It enjoyed the support of most of Managua’s 125 Protestant churches and many Catholics. Catholic charismatic groups attended.”

(c) The Canadian Paper Faith Today (5/78) gave a glowing report of Palau’s crusade in Montevideo, Uruguay. It said, “On the final night of the crusade, the secretary of the Catholic Bishop of Montevideo attended the meeting. He conveyed the Bishop’s regrets that he could not attend personally, but he assured Palau that on some future occasion, he hoped to be present.”

From nearer the top of the page:

Also, Palau’s web site lists endorsers of his ministry: Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, Jack Hayford, Joni Eareckson Tada, Joseph Stowell, and the Archbishop of Canterbury (Angelican). sic]

Of all the endorsers of Palau and his ministry, we could not find a single endorsement by anyone even remotely considered to be an evangelical, Biblical fundamentalist!

So now you know 🙂
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