I wonder why he entered the Ministry.
do you mean denying the existance of God or his saving grace? i don’t think any church, even the catholic church can definitivley say who’s damned -that’s God’s job. doesn’t it say in the bible that even the demons believe that God is one?For Lutherans the only way a baptized individual can be damned is if they deny God.
Amazing, just amazing, and the following statement in the article is even more amazing to me,I wonder why he entered the Ministry.
I noticed that too an thought it was pretty amazing. The state controls the religion.Amazing, just amazing, and the following statement in the article is even more amazing to me,
“In Denmark, Lutheran priests are employed by the state and bishops do not have the power to dismiss them.”
Can you give me a link to the speech in which JPII quoted Eckhart.Perhaps even stranger is this. Meister Eckhart wrote, “So we say that a man should be so poor that he neither is nor has in himself any place where God can act. Where a man keeps a place in himself, he keeps distinctions. Therefore I ask God to make me empty of God, for my essential being is above God, insofar as we conceive God as the source of all creatures. In that very being of God where God is above being and above distinctions, I was myself, I wanted myself and understood myself in order to make this man that I am. That is why I am my own cause according to my own being, which is eternal, and not according to my becoming, which is temporal. And therefore I am unborn, and according to my unbornness I can never die. According to my unbornness, I have eternally existed and am now and will eternally remain. What I am according to my bornness will die and turn into nothing, for it is mortal; therefore it must in time be destroyed. In my birth all things were born, and I was the cause of myself and all things; and if I had willed it, I would not exist nor would anything exist; and if I didn’t exist, ‘God’ too would not exist. I am the cause that God is ‘God’; and if I did not exist, God would not be ‘God.’”
Eckhart was posthumously excommunicated by Pope John XXII in 1329, and all his writings Indexed, for “preaching to the laity the secrets of the Church.” and the banning of his writings for 17 specific heresies and 11 “questionable doctrines” has never been rescinded by the Vatican. But what I find both remarkable and ironic is that his writings are available in modern English thanks almost entirely to Catholic translators, historians and Catholic-owned publishing houses.
In 1985 a rather prominent Catholic theologian said in a well-publicized speech: “Did not Eckhart teach his disciples: ‘All that God asks you most pressingly is to go out of yourself - and let God be God in you’? One could think that, in separating himself from creatures, the mystic leaves his brothers, humanity, behind. The same Eckhart affirms that, on the contrary, the mystic is marvelously present to them on the only level where he can truly reach them, that is in God.”
So, who was that so-called theologian who lavished such an honor on a certified heretic by thus quoting him? That theologian was Pope John Paul II.
Cherubino,So, who was that so-called theologian who lavished such an honor on a certified heretic by thus quoting him? That theologian was Pope John Paul II
Exactly! Can you imagine the U.S. government saying they will hire and fire Catholic priests and their bishops can’t do anything about it?I noticed that too an thought it was pretty amazing. The state controls the religion.
I can imagine that. The church would not be able to deal with Heresy within the church at all. They would not be able to discipline there own preists.Exactly! Can you imagine the U.S. government saying they will hire and fire Catholic priests and their bishops can’t do anything about it?Code:
Did you also notice how my message was twisted to no end even though I simply expressed my surprise at what was happening in Denmark?
The article seemed rather clear to me:do you mean denying the existance of God or his saving grace? i don’t think any church, even the catholic church can definitivley say who’s damned -that’s God’s job. doesn’t it say in the bible that even the demons believe that God is one?
Actually yes, and actually no, in some countries. Various states deal with the churches within them in various ways; for instance in the Czech Republc, they pay each priest/minister a stipend. They also have an interest in St. Vitus Cathedral as it is a historical landmark as well as the main cathedral in Prague.I noticed that too an thought it was pretty amazing. The state controls the religion.
In many of the Scandinavian Countries the Lutheran Church is the state religion. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland are a few such countries.Amazing, just amazing, and the following statement in the article is even more amazing to me,
“In Denmark, Lutheran priests are employed by the state and bishops do not have the power to dismiss them.”
I see your points but when Luther left the church I think he gave other disenters hope so to speak. When he left others saw this and they followed. Now it is a disaster. I do not want to argue about this though because that is not the point of the thread.In many of the Scandinavian Countries the Lutheran Church is the state religion. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland are a few such countries.
When I came to this website I was surprised at the overall comments against Martin Luther and how he had almost single-handedly fractured the Church. This is not true at all…
If one had to list the key players of the reformation, Luther would definitely be at the top of the list , but it is because he was put there by those that needed him in that position.