Why is it that now that my mom knows I want to be a priest she makes fun of me wanting to go to seminary? She says to me, “Don’t worry, you will have lots of fun sleeping on a cot in seminary.” It is really annoying.
Ah…that’s a shame. We actually should welcome people who have vocations, encourage them. We should be especially be proud if one comes from our own families, since it is a special blessing. If we had more priests, I believe the world would be a better place.
If we realized all the good they did, we’d be putting up seminaries and all, everywhere!
Priests are in such short supply, and it’s projected to get worse.
One priest here where I live in Mexico did the closest a priest would do to complain. He said he was once in WalMart, and people would see him, make all kinds of comments. One was asking him why he was there!
He said to us, “Do you think it’s easy wearing this collar?” So, I wish I could give you better news, but from what I can gather, you will probably need to get used to these kinds of comments, since this will probably be just the “tip of the iceberg”.
However, it must be so much worse coming from one’s own family! That’s terrible. A lot of saints also had that very same problem. Their families would be very unsupportive and often oppose the decision. So, at least you’re in good company there!
I don’t mean to, in any way, diminish your sufferings. Here you are, all excited about your decision, and they are putting you/it down at every turn. That can’t be much fun.
I hope you can manage to get some kind of moral/emotional support, from others, to help you through this difficult phase.
I’m glad you feel comfortable to come on the forum and at least share this with us, so we can try to give you an encouraging word and maybe say a prayer.
Speaking of prayers, let me close with one!
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blest is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.