Made my way to EWTN earlier today

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Oh my wan’t that fun. I had decided that I’d make a trip there before I left Alabama and I’m really glad that I did. Going to Mass there was absolutly wonderful, though I was suprised at the size of the chapel (it looks far larger on TV) anyway I throughly enjoyed my trip and I’d be more than glad to answer any questions you have.
I wouldn’t pass it by either, but I’m too poor to go there right now.

I’ve suggested to them that they build a new chapel, at least to get rid of those creeky pews, and to revise that barrier wall.

did you have a chance to speak to any of the regular people we see on TV?
There is no room to build a new chapel. Also, it has not been that many years, maybe ten now since the chapel was remodeled, which gave a little more room. It is a very small peice of land which holds an enourmous amount of equipement. To get a good idea of it, see if they have the video from the feast of Corpus Christi on the EWTN website. They process around the whole building complex. Possibly the only thing they could do it where the nuns use to be, where the choir sings now, move the wall where the monstrance is, but that may cost more money than they desire to spend on it. I think they are more interested in putting the money into evangelization.
I watched a bit of the EWTN Mass today before heading off to local Mass. I noticied a few men in pretty much the same clothing in the first two pews. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t those the new brothers to EWTN/Our Lady of Anegels that Father Franics Mary was talking about on Life on The Rock? Probably so, since Father Anthony was celebrating Mass today and he’s in charge of vocations there. But I just want to make sure.
I too was suprised by the size of the chapel, because when I first came in the dividing wall was closed, but when they opend it up it kind of opened up the room. That really didn’t matter though actually in a way with the chapel being “small” it forces us all to sit closer to God. There is no hiding in the back in there…though that’s where I was.

I did see a couple of the Priests who you normally see on TV…Father Francis Mary (Much taller than I expected and seemed very outgoing), Father Angelus–went to confession with him–absolutly an amazing man abounding with compassion, and Father Anthony…though I didn’t talk to him at all.

It was a Saturday so things were pretty quiet, which was nice because I got a chance to take in the beauty of the grounds (kudos to whoever does the landscaping there).

Considering that I live but a hop skip and jump away from there I am most definantly going to make a return trip. I am no “expert” but I’d love to help anyone thinking about going.

God Bless,
I believe Fr. Angelus said the gentlemen in the white shirts were the ones who were either seriously considering or just entered into the Franciscian Brothers. I could be wrong.
During the week the overflow from those attending goes into the St. Michael Hall where Sanctus went to confession at. If it is a really large group the priests will go in there and give Communion for the sake of expediency. The confessionals came from old churches that were being decommissioned. Also that hall was used when the sisters were still there for their celebrations.
I have a question.

Some of you have mentioned the men with white shirts down in front.

I see a rather short man, partially bald who always is in the second row next to the center isle. He sways back and forth while praying. Does anyone know his story? He is there every day/night.:amen:
I believe the gentlemen has some leg injury. I saw him walking with a cain during Corpus Christi. I don’t know him personally, but we could use more people going to Mass daily. Also, if you pay attention, there a lot of “regulars” at the Mass. Someone once posted that a lot of EWTN employees attend.
The gentleman you are talking about works in the gift shop! Really nice guy.
This discussion was really nice. It made EWTN seem even more personal. Thank you!
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