Here is a pretty interesting document, written in 2004 that is relevant to any discussion of whether assent is required on matters of faith and morals with regards to the Magisterium.
The actual document (link in 2nd post to full text) covers a total of eleven points including this issue pertaining to the Magisterium. Please read and discuss all.
All I can say is that these bishops have a backbone!
Moral Theology: Recent Developments, Implications
b) The uncritical acceptance of the tendency “to substitute a dynamic and more evolutionary concept of nature for a static one” (Gaudium et Spes, n. 5). What this involves is the failure to distinguish between “the everlasting from the changeable” (n. 52) and the denial that “beneath all the changes [in history] there is much that has its ultimate foundation in Christ, the same yesterday, today and for ever” (Gaudium et Spes, n. 10; Veritatis Splendor, n. 53). And so, it is falsely asserted that human nature as such is subject to change, with the result that the traditional understanding of natural law (natural justice) is denied, and morality is said to be subject to change.
c) The effective rejection of the Church’s understanding of natural law (illuminated by revelation). The Church does not teach, as is falsely claimed, that the moral order can be discovered from the regular and uniform physical laws of nature. But the law is called natural “not because it refers to the nature of irrational beings but because the reason which promulgates it is proper to human nature” (Veritatis Splendor, n. 42), and because it “expresses the dignity of the human person and lays the foundation for his fundamental rights and duties” (ibid., n. 51). Christ is the full revelation of that human dignity, whose Spirit throws light on what is otherwise but dimly known by human reason (cf. Rom 2:12-29; I Thes 4:1-8). The divinely instituted teaching authority of the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit ensures that this light shines forth in every generation and every place, despite the distortions to which sinful humanity is prone.
See continuation, next post…
The actual document (link in 2nd post to full text) covers a total of eleven points including this issue pertaining to the Magisterium. Please read and discuss all.
All I can say is that these bishops have a backbone!
Moral Theology: Recent Developments, Implications
- The most significant of the prevailing errors in moral theology are as follows:
b) The uncritical acceptance of the tendency “to substitute a dynamic and more evolutionary concept of nature for a static one” (Gaudium et Spes, n. 5). What this involves is the failure to distinguish between “the everlasting from the changeable” (n. 52) and the denial that “beneath all the changes [in history] there is much that has its ultimate foundation in Christ, the same yesterday, today and for ever” (Gaudium et Spes, n. 10; Veritatis Splendor, n. 53). And so, it is falsely asserted that human nature as such is subject to change, with the result that the traditional understanding of natural law (natural justice) is denied, and morality is said to be subject to change.
c) The effective rejection of the Church’s understanding of natural law (illuminated by revelation). The Church does not teach, as is falsely claimed, that the moral order can be discovered from the regular and uniform physical laws of nature. But the law is called natural “not because it refers to the nature of irrational beings but because the reason which promulgates it is proper to human nature” (Veritatis Splendor, n. 42), and because it “expresses the dignity of the human person and lays the foundation for his fundamental rights and duties” (ibid., n. 51). Christ is the full revelation of that human dignity, whose Spirit throws light on what is otherwise but dimly known by human reason (cf. Rom 2:12-29; I Thes 4:1-8). The divinely instituted teaching authority of the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit ensures that this light shines forth in every generation and every place, despite the distortions to which sinful humanity is prone.
See continuation, next post…