Making Choices and Decisions According to the Will of God

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Hello all,

I wanted to share with you all some tips from Ignatian spirituality I heard in a homily once about discernment and making decisions. This does not just apply to vocations discernment but to any form of discernment in one’s life for the big decisions.
Once again, these are notes I took on a homily I heard one time online about decision making or discernment from an FSSP priest (I believe). I don’t remember the link to it but if you want, please request and I will check in my history to see if I saved it. These are tips that go along the path of Ignatian spirituality by the Jesuit founder St. Ignatius of Loyola.
When we discern some big major decision in our lives we need to keep at our focal point that we were created to bring glory to God and to save our souls. So as our objective in major decision making, we need to remember that 1. anything we choose must be allowed by the Church; 2. some choices like marriage or priesthood are unchangeable; 3. if we make unchangeable choices, we are stuck.
The priest outlined three ways in which to make decisions according to God’s will in our lives.
The first method goes as follows:
Begin by placing the problem before yourself. This is best done in front of a crucifix or in Eucharistic adoration.
We need to remember in this process that we have been created for the glory of God and salvation. Imagine that we set before ourselves the two options and you are right in the middle of the two. Choose the one … READ MORE AT:
May God bless you all!

Thank you for reading and checking out my blog!
Great advice, Landon! The vocations director told me the most important thing I could do while discerning God’s call is to frequently go to mass, receive holy communion, and kneel before the Lord in eucharistic adoration.More and more young men and women should take heed to this advice! I can speak for myself when I say that it helps a lot!!! God bless.
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