The catholic church teaches you are saved by grace alone though faith. IT also teaches the baptism of desire.
We are not as legalistic as people think we are reasonable baptism and works are normative means of salavation but the only necessary thing absolutely is God’s grace. (remeber we baptize babies what good work does a baby do?) He can make exceptions for everything else. THe catholic church proclaims the normative and helps us understand the exceptions like baptism of desire but does not judge who goes to heaven or hell. God alone judges the eternal destiny of a person.
Commmon sense tell us that the good thief could not have been baptized even if he wanted to. I don’t think the Romans were going to take him off the cross so the apostle John could give him a splash in the Jordon River.
Also as far as works did he have the oppprtunity here to perform the corporal works of mercy here? I don’t think you could do much on a cross. Simply the church ask you to cooperate with the graces that God gives you to enables you to have charity. His admonition of the bad thief shows cooperation of the grace given and a sign of charity in his life.
Beside it is possible under this circumstance for him to have absolutely no works. As Catholics view salavation a process the first process is to be saved by grace through faith. THere is nothing we can do to earn salvation at this point (justification). THis may be the point the thief was at or maybe the thief cooperated with grace (santification) another step in the salvation process. IT’s an open question as to where he was in the salvation process but we do know he was saved.
. So was he baptized? Possibly yes, by desire (but remember that sacramental baptism had not yet been instituted by Christ; that was done as he was ascending), but he died under the terms of the OT covenant. Did he do good works? You bet he did. He admonished the bad thief and defended Jesus.
This is entirely false. Jesus baptized the aposltes (thus institued by Christ) thus beginning the sacramental baptism.
This baptism was different than John the Baptist who said:
John 1
33 "I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize
1] in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, (
1) this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’
THe argument that the thiefs arrival to heaven was delayed until Jesus released them form sheol ie spirits in prison, Paradise etc is valid one but has nothing do with his an old covenant or new covenant distinction. Jesus was the walking new covenant if he instituded a sacrmanet while here it was valid then and there whehther it be baptism or the Lord’s Supper.
Saint Augustine said Jesus held himslef sacramentally at the consecration at the Last Supper. The first mass was said that night he didn’t need to be in heaven for that to happen. Remember Jesus is outside of time the timeline of things he could overcome.
When Jesus breathed on the apostles the holy spirit, and gave the apostles the power to forgive and retain sins before he ascended into heaven that sacrament started then it need not wait for Jesus to ascend.
Jesus clearly institued these sacrmaents while on this earth.
The New Testament (Covenant) starts with the Gospel not Acts.