Many doubts

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well, lately i have been having a really bad time with religion. so i want to hear some answers that could help me from falling to unbelief.

why did God created us with the need of Him? i mean if He can do anything, why did he made us so needy of Him? would it not be better if he just made us self-sufficient, then if we chose Him, it would have been out of love and not any coercion? and by that i dont mean that people who commits crimes go unpunished, but to give us the posibiity of living well without anything from Him.

What is this perfect plan and times? i really just can’t understand it. to what point are we responsible for our own actions, and why does it has to be so painful to be part of this perfect plan?

and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion,

Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator.
well, lately i have been having a really bad time with religion. so i want to hear some answers that could help me from falling to unbelief.

why did God created us with the need of Him? i mean if He can do anything, why did he made us so needy of Him? would it not be better if he just made us self-sufficient, then if we chose Him, it would have been out of love and not any coercion? and by that i dont mean that people who commits crimes go unpunished, but to give us the posibiity of living well without anything from Him.

What is this perfect plan and times? i really just can’t understand it. to what point are we responsible for our own actions, and why does it has to be so painful to be part of this perfect plan?

and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion,

Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator.
I think one could say the opposite, there are tons of people out there doing well without God in their lives, by worldly standards… it’s in the next life that you really need God.

God doesn’t force you to go to Heaven.
well, lately i have been having a really bad time with religion. so i want to hear some answers that could help me from falling to unbelief.

why did God created us with the need of Him? i mean if He can do anything, why did he made us so needy of Him? would it not be better if he just made us self-sufficient, then if we chose Him, it would have been out of love and not any coercion? and by that i dont mean that people who commits crimes go unpunished, but to give us the posibiity of living well without anything from Him.
He also created us with the need to eat, drink, sleep. If not we would probably starve to death, become dehydrated, and psychotic. It’s those needs that create the impulse to seek out things that are beneficial to us and keep us healthy. I think that’s at least partly why God created with that internal need for him. Otherwise we probably wouldn’t go looking for him. So the need is for our benefit.
What is this perfect plan and times? i really just can’t understand it. to what point are we responsible for our own actions, and why does it has to be so painful to be part of this perfect plan?
Not sure what you mean here.
and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion,
You’re on a path in the middle of the jungle. You come to a fork where the path goes off in two different directions. One is very difficult to get through but leads to safety. The other is nice and wide and smooth but leads to the lip of a volcano. Your guide tells you to take the harder path, it’s the right one and will get you home. Is your guide using coercion? He’s only telling you the truth. Anyone who goes to hell does so by his or her own choice, not because God sends them there.
Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator
I’ll pray for you but in the meantime read your bible. Read the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. Read about the good shepherd in Psalm 23. Here are some more verses to tell you about God’s love for you.
Praying to the Holy Spirit to give you guidance, direction, strength, fortitude & wisdom in your time of need.
You’re on a path in the middle of the jungle. You come to a fork where the path goes off in two different directions. One is very difficult to get through but leads to safety. The other is nice and wide and smooth but leads to the lip of a volcano. Your guide tells you to take the harder path, it’s the right one and will get you home. Is your guide using coercion?
Even if he was using coercion its still the right path, unless you are a volcanologist. 😃
You have to wonder why the path to the volcano is so well traveled.:eek:
well, lately i have been having a really bad time with religion. so i want to hear some answers that could help me from falling to unbelief.

why did God created us with the need of Him? i mean if He can do anything, why did he made us so needy of Him? would it not be better if he just made us self-sufficient, then if we chose Him, it would have been out of love and not any coercion? and by that i dont mean that people who commits crimes go unpunished, but to give us the posibiity of living well without anything from Him.

What is this perfect plan and times? i really just can’t understand it. to what point are we responsible for our own actions, and why does it has to be so painful to be part of this perfect plan?

and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion,

Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator.
That’s kind of like asking why do we need our parents? Because they are a part of us and we of them. When God creates us its like he puts a little part of himself in each of us. Since we are created in his image and likeness. We naturally long for something more than this life. Does a giraffe long to be more than a giraffe? Does a tree long to be anything other than a tree? The fact that we long for more than what we can see says we were made for something greater. We were made to be in glorious union with God. We live in a fallen world and thus will not experience this fully until we are with God in heaven. Thus, we will have some difficulties in this world, with our sense of unfulfilled longing. Yet, as St. Paul says, he does not consider the suffering in this world as anything compared with the glory that will be revealed.
This idea that we are separate and that what we do does not affect anyone but ourselves is unjustified. That God should just let us be as self sufficient automatons is an illusion. God is the Creator of all things. Thus, our relationship with him is intimate from the get go. Our very existence from moment to moment is in his hands. Yes, one can feel overwhelmed by the idea of God. But, he doesn’t actually overwhelm us. Instead, he is gentle with us and very patient. I would encourage you to take some time everyday to pray and develop that relationship with him. God is love. If you are terrified of him seeing him as some evil dictator it is because you have yet to really know his love for you. Or you have been infected by some negative and discouraging thought sent from the devil. The fact is that we don’t know everything. And, the devil likes to suggest all kinds of things to fill those gaps. St. Paul says to think on whatever is excellent and true. Learn to trust in the Lord with your life and your salvation. Stop paying so much attention to those negative thoughts. They are nothing and won’t happen. Just, focus on the Lord and pray to him.
and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion,

Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator.
The intellect and will go hand in hand. You can not have free will without the ability to gather information and think on those things for which you have the ability to choose. So you can’t have free will without an intellect. We were given an intellect so that we could know the truth. And, ultimately the highest form of thought is to know God. He is the ultimate truth. The will that is informed by the intellect causes one to move towards a goal. The will provides the motivation, wile the intellect provides the reason.

Imagine if we were created so that we could never fulfill our deepest desires. If we were incapable of knowing truth and love. For such things would be beyond us without an intellect or a will. We could not know truth and thus be motivated by it to act. We could not know love and be motivated by it.

The greatest purpose of life is love. It actually says that right in 1 Cor 13. That is what we were created for. If you look at the deepest longing in your heart, what is it? Is it to be loved, to be accepted as you are? Imagine if this longing could never be satisfied. What a tragedy this would be. But, this is exactly what God offers us, unconditional love. And truth. Its like the longing in our hearts fits lock and key with God’s love towards us. Why, you might ask? Because God knows that the greatest thing is love, and to create us for anything less would not be acceptable, either to us or him.
well, lately i have been having a really bad time with religion. so i want to hear some answers that could help me from falling to unbelief.

why did God created us with the need of Him? i mean if He can do anything, why did he made us so needy of Him? would it not be better if he just made us self-sufficient, then if we chose Him, it would have been out of love and not any coercion? and by that i dont mean that people who commits crimes go unpunished, but to give us the posibiity of living well without anything from Him.

What is this perfect plan and times? i really just can’t understand it. to what point are we responsible for our own actions, and why does it has to be so painful to be part of this perfect plan?

and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion,

Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator.
We are needy of Him because we need Him not because God is a egomaniac, but because God holds the world together… There is not one thing on this earth that God cannot say is His… We learn from the scriptures that we are to walk humbly with God who is the source of our peace, our hope and our joy.🙂 So why not need God who gives us that?? Why not crave God who gives us that?? Why not? Is trying to be good so hard to do?? Actually it’s much harder to do wrong and live with ourselves… Everyone wants to find the secret to happiness when all they have to do is turn to God!

God orders the physical world and we see that… Well God also orders morality of the world because when we desire (need) God, we take a good hard look at ourselves and change. And when we change we begin to change others and furthermore the world changes all because we bring God into the world through our need for God. Not such a bad deal… It’s a win win situation, nothing wrong with that is there? God does all this because He loves us and wants us to be at peace with each other and one with Himself who created us. Being in heaven with God is a natural thing for us, something we need like food or water… That doesn’t sound like a tyrrant to you does it? Rather it sounds like He loves us very very much and so helps us in this life so that we will make it to the next…🙂
There is no coercion, my friend. God never forces us to do anything or to come to Him, He only plants the seed and it is up to us to say yes or no. It is true what Saint Augustine said that “our hearts are restless until they rest in You [God].” However, this feeling of needing God is only our soul’s reaction to His call, our desire to be with Him for all eternity, which is what all of us were created by God for.

As such, do not be disheartened, do not be afraid, just “trust in the Lord, for He is good, His Love is everlasting.” As Mother Angelica from EWTN always says, “The Lord will take care.” Believe in Him, and He will lead you to love, peace, grace, and life in His Holy Name. Just pray, attend Mass, receive Jesus in Holy Communion, and speak with Him about all of your troubles. He is waiting for you!

May God bless you and guide you to His peace and consolation! 🙂
well, lately i have been having a really bad time with religion. so i want to hear some answers that could help me from falling to unbelief.

why did God created us with the need of Him? i mean if He can do anything, why did he made us so needy of Him? would it not be better if he just made us self-sufficient, then if we chose Him, it would have been out of love and not any coercion? and by that i dont mean that people who commits crimes go unpunished, but to give us the posibiity of living well without anything from Him.

What is this perfect plan and times? i really just can’t understand it. to what point are we responsible for our own actions, and why does it has to be so painful to be part of this perfect plan?

and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion,

Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator.
Don’t. Worry, doubt is not a bad thing. God can handle it. Confess it to Him and ask for healing and light. We all have doubts. Mother Theresa had a great deal of doubt. If you are like me, overcoming doubt takes time and study, and meditation. It is not instant but we can surely overcome. What we need is greater knowledge of God. Hos.4:4 says “My people are lost for lack of knowledge” . That is, the knowledge of God. Rm. 12:2 tells us to renew the mind. How? By feeding it a steady diet of God’s word. If you do this with the help of the HS you will find that as you learn God’s ways and His personality you will change and have faith with no effort. The truth will always make us free. A good bible study helps a lot. I would recommend to you a study by Andrew Wommack called “Christian Philosophy” I think it would help you a lot. Don’t be afraid to check it out. There is absolutely nothing even slightly anti Catholic in it. Andrews teachings are used in a Catholic institution in Europe. You can watch or download for free at There are surely good Catholic bible studies too, but i am familiar with this. It helps me a lot because Andrew makes it personal, not just information.

Let us know how your doing

Even if he was using coercion its still the right path, unless you are a volcanologist. 😃
You have to wonder why the path to the volcano is so well traveled.:eek:
Because the jungle tribe who lives there keep the path clear to lure unsuspecting travellers so they can be sacrificed to their volcano god. 😉
Because the jungle tribe who lives there keep the path clear to lure unsuspecting travellers so they can be sacrificed to their volcano god. 😉

Good thing the guide does not work for the jungle tribe. Perhaps he should post a sign saying “This way to certain doom”, to warn people. Or do some maintenance on his own trail. If he knew what the jungle tribe was up to he should be out there warning people. 😃
well, lately i have been having a really bad time with religion. so i want to hear some answers that could help me from falling to unbelief.

why did God created us with the need of Him? i mean if He can do anything, why did he made us so needy of Him? would it not be better if he just made us self-sufficient, then if we chose Him, it would have been out of love and not any coercion? and by that i dont mean that people who commits crimes go unpunished, but to give us the posibiity of living well without anything from Him.

What is this perfect plan and times? i really just can’t understand it. to what point are we responsible for our own actions, and why does it has to be so painful to be part of this perfect plan?

and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion,

Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator.
How much do you feel the need of God right now, DMC12? Having such strong feeling, you shouldn’t be afraid of falling into unbelief. What is really going on in your head?

Good thing the guide does not work for the jungle tribe. Perhaps he should post a sign saying “This way to certain doom”, to warn people. Or do some maintenance on his own trail. If he knew what the jungle tribe was up to he should be out there warning people. 😃
You really know how to ruin a good parable 😛
Ive had the same doubts my entire life, im one of those people who has never really ‘felt’ God, ive met plenty of others who definitely feel him and the holy spirit, but for me, praying, going to mass, etc. provides nothing, there are a few things that have happened where Im 99% sure God had a hand in, basically keeping me out of serious trouble, but who knows, maybe he had nothing to do with it and was just coincidence, I know Im not supposed to think like that, but being human is tough.

The one thing thats kept me wondering in this regard, I get a pretty clear picture of who God/ Jesus were/is, by reading the bible, some of the things he said, but then, God creates the race of men for the purpose of worshiping him, even goes as far to say he is a jealous God, it seems like he ‘needs’ us to worship him for some reason…this does not sound like the God of the bible…??
Ive had the same doubts my entire life, im one of those people who has never really ‘felt’ God, ive met plenty of others who definitely feel him and the holy spirit, but for me, praying, going to mass, etc. provides nothing, there are a few things that have happened where Im 99% sure God had a hand in, basically keeping me out of serious trouble, but who knows, maybe he had nothing to do with it and was just coincidence, I know Im not supposed to think like that, but being human is tough.

The one thing thats kept me wondering in this regard, I get a pretty clear picture of who God/ Jesus were/is, by reading the bible, some of the things he said, but then, God creates the race of men for the purpose of worshiping him, even goes as far to say he is a jealous God, it seems like he ‘needs’ us to worship him for some reason…this does not sound like the God of the bible…??
This is just for this short temporary life right now, when you’re in Heaven you will be free of all duties, and live in Bliss.
well, lately i have been having a really bad time with religion. so i want to hear some answers that could help me from falling to unbelief.

why did God created us with the need of Him? i mean if He can do anything, why did he made us so needy of Him? would it not be better if he just made us self-sufficient, then if we chose Him, it would have been out of love and not any coercion? and by that i dont mean that people who commits crimes go unpunished, but to give us the posibiity of living well without anything from Him.
Because without Him you would not exist, and because you are completely dependent, you can not exist on your own. God can not make you self-sufficient, to be so is to be God who alone is self-sufficient. When we realize that He created us out of love, we should return love, not out of coercion, but willingly. It is impossible to live well without
anything form Him, as everything is from Him
What is this perfect plan and times? i really just can’t understand it. to what point are we responsible for our own actions, and why does it has to be so painful to be part of this perfect plan?
We are responsible for our own actions when we reach the age of reason, and when we know right from wrong by being properly informed with the moral law. It is so painful at times because we are affected by sin and it’s consequences. The perfect plan is that in spite of sin and it’s consequences, Jesus made it possible to live in eternal happiness, but not with-out a spiritual battle, to conquer ourselves, and the devil, and to prove we love God
and lastly, what is the purpose of Free Will, i mean to me free will is choose right, fine, choose left fine, not choose right, fine, choose left, eternal damnation. to me that sound as coercion

Please pray for me, and if you can help me to stop seeing God as an evil dictator.
The purpose of free will is to choose what course of action you desire to take, God never coerces anyone to love Him, we were made for Him, we do damnation to ourselves, because when we do not choose what we were created for we frustrate our entire existence, and desires, we condemn ourselves, not God. To turn our back on God is to desire to be separated from Him, utter insanity. This is why Satan suffers so much, and he would destroy himself if he could, but what God creates exists eternally, so he suffers eternally by his own choice, and so do others. Free Will.
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