March of Dimes

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We have a neighbor who has solicited a donation from us for the March of Dimes. My wife and I recall something about the organization endorsing the use of “selection” for children with certain birth defects…“selective abortion”, if you will.

Can anyone here recall what their position is? I tried to search thier website for “abortion” and came up empty, so I am not sure how current this information is for us.

Any site reference or documentation would be very helpful.
I don’t remember their exact position, but I know Right-to-Life had them on a list of organizations not to support. And that was before any of this fetal stem-cell research really became an issue. I have no idea where they stand on that.


MOD Update

American Life League - Activism
The Michael Fund has further documented activity the March of Dimes pursues and has pursued over many years, much of which is eugenic in nature. In other words, the MOD has been involved in particular research projects designed to weed out imperfect human beings. The MOD does not, however, publicize such involvement.
In each of the cases sited above the same basic question arises: why does an organization that claims to care for mothers, fathers and healthy babies continue to be publicly silent but privately involved in procured abortion and fetal tissue harvesting?
Thanks for the post, Marie.

I found this site:

to have some interesting information.

Would it be uncharitable of me to send back some of this information to my neighbor, along with a note as to why I am not donating?
They don’t support abortion. March of Dimes, works with Planned Parenthood to inform poor women about things like taking folic acid before their pregnant, and encouraging these women to seek prenatal care. I can’t see anything wrong with that.

I don’t honestly think that they practice eugenics.
I don’t give to the March of Dimes.

They consider Down’s Syndrome a “preventable” birth disorder. Why? Because there are tests to determine whether a child has Down’s or not before birth. MOD will TELL you that they are neutral on the issue of abortion…but if they think something is preventable because it can be diagnosed…the next logical step is “how can it be cured if it’s diagnosed?” It can’t be. The only way to avoid having a child with Down’s once he or she has been diagnosed is to abort that child.

That to me is not neutral.

Also, maybe it’s just me, but any group that works with Planned Parenthood won’t see a CENT of my money.

Don’t give to MOD. Find another worthy cause that helps children–there are many of them.

It wouldn’t hurt to send an article to your neighbor and tell him this is hy you won’t give. It doesn’t mean HE can’t support MOD…you’re just explaining where you stand.

I teach in a Catholic school, and have been approached more than once (every year!!) to sponsor a walk for the MOD. Every year I decline, because of their tacit support of abortion. We support other causes that don’t present a moral dilemma for us!!
They don’t support abortion. March of Dimes, works with Planned Parenthood to inform poor women about things like taking folic acid before their pregnant, and encouraging these women to seek prenatal care. I can’t see anything wrong with that.

I don’t honestly think that they practice eugenics.
I can appreciate that many people do not know the real history of MOD. But since I myself and thousands…if not millions of once healthy children are survivors through Gods grace only of MOD’s involvement of less than good intentions, I can attest to the March of Dimes Eugenic’s practices and the beginning of their Cover-Up!

MOD has been involved in eugenics from it’s inception. For many not old enough to remember the great Polio Crusade I suppose they cannot appreciate the cover-up’s which MOD were involved in. It was evil at it’s worst.

As a polio survivor, who deals with the residuals of their cover-up everyday of my life, I can attest to their lack of care for poor mothers and babies. The babies were and are just Guinea pig’s to them. Due to their ambitious but skewed views, many children who did not have polio received a vaccine which they pushed onto the market through every means possible. I did not have polio. They delivered it to me in their little experiments which everyone turned a blind eye to. There are still over 600,000 Post Polio survivors who deal with the destruction MOD under wrote. We certainly have not forgotten their first cover up campaign. We deal with what they gave us. We deal with it on our own with no support from them or the scientific world. Guinea pig’s were all we were to them and that is all we are still to this day.

That is not to say I am against scientific advances nor vaccines. I believe science is a Godly profession. But science which has no ethic’s is evil. MOD is such an organization and always has been.

I don’t believe in whining about the cards we have been dealt. That is my cross to carry. I mention it only in hopes that others will not be so blind as to continue to spread the myth that MOD is a wonderful caring organization.

The March of Dimes Starts Major Cover-Up
The March of Dimes Starts Major Cover-Up -The reality was that millions of children received an unsafe SV (Salk Vaccine) which caused cases of paralysis, deaths and pre-seasonal [occurring before the natural rise of cases in an area] polio epidemics. The dangers of rushing the SV to market to maintain a 1955 schedule was not unforeseeable. (34)
With specific reference to the “Polio Foundation,” that is, the National Foundation /March of Dimes, Shannon charged that “the decision of the Foundation to throw its resources behind the development of an inactivated vaccine markedly increased the difficulty and greatly protracted the time required to develop 1he generally accepted polio vaccine (Sabin) we have today.” (35)
With regard to the polio vaccine researchers themselves, their willingness to dispassionately evaluate the Salk Vaccine was colored by the fact that the National Foundation had poured millions of dollars in polio and viral research grants into university-based medical centers. Many of these scientists and professionals did not want to jeopardize their careers and risk losing their funding by publicly criticizing the Foundation’s activities, even when looking the other way might spell paralysis or even death for a child. As Dr. Ratner observed:
Having successfully managed “The Great Polio Cover-up,” the National Foundation began to lay plans for its “Great Transition” from polio to eugenics. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Foundation prepared to launch a new and unprecedented national crusade against “birth defects”–and those who have them!
From what I have heard, MOD supports stem cell research which the Catholic Church disapproves. If you want to donate to a charity, try Children Foundation for Children and Aging
Thanks for the post, Marie.

Would it be uncharitable of me to send back some of this information to my neighbor, along with a note as to why I am not donating?
I think it would be uncharitable NOT to send the information to them. 😉 Feel free to include my post response just above this one which has more information than my previous post.

I hope it helps them wake up encourage them to give their money to a better cause than the evil MOD promotes.

God Bless,
They’ll not see any of my money. Are they a receiver of any money from the United Fund? They don’t get any money either because of their pro- homosexual stance.
"March of Dimes

Established in 1938 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the March of Dimes (MOD) is a national voluntary health agency developed to put an end to polio and improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. They accomplish this through research programs, community services, education, and advocacy. Seems good at first glance, and we can’t deny the fact that they have done some great things, but it’s their hidden abortion agenda and contradictory stance on human life that has landed them on The Dark Side. In 1972 the March of Dimes pioneered the technique of diagnostic, mid-trimester amniocentesis. This technique is used to obtain a sample of the fluid surrounding a pre- born baby (during the middle of the pregnancy) to determine if the child has a genetic disease such as Down’s Syndrome or Spina Bifida. In cases where it’s determined that the child has a genetic disease they are often aborted—about 95% of these babies are killed by surgical abortion (termed by MOD as “therapeutic abortion.”). While serving on the March of Dimes’ Medical Service Advisory Committee, Henry Foster admitted to doing nearly 700 abortions after amniocentesis revealed genetic problems. MOD is also pro-abortion when it comes to babies inside the womb of a mother who has triplets or more. In a paper entitled, “Fetal Reduction and Selective Termination in Multi- Fetal Pregnancy,” March of Dimes stated that you can kill one of the babies in a multiple pregnancy “to allow the birth of a healthy newborn, without the birth of a coexisting fetus with a congenital abnormality.” They added that it was okay to selectively kill babies “to reduce a multiple pregnancy to a single pregnancy for social or personal indication.” As if that wasn’t enough, March of Dimes uses aborted babies for fetal tissue research. MOD gave $19,000 to Dr. John F. S. Crocker of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to study congenital kidney abnormalities. In his study, Dr. Crocker used “60 pairs of embryonic kidneys…obtained from human therapeutic abortions after five to twelve weeks gestation.” And this is just one of the many cases where MOD supported using the tissue of babies killed by abortion for research. While claiming a policy of strict neutrality when it comes to abortion, the March of Dimes’ actions prove otherwise. Their support for aborting babies with genetic diseases, killing children in a multiple pregnancy, and using these aborted babies for research shows that they are anything but neutral! "

Sorry to post something so long but I find it on and there was no URL for the article. If you’re an animal activist, I also know that PETA is against MOD because of their animal testing…they also ahve several articles on their site if you search for March of Dimes. Hope this helps!🙂
They’ll not see any of my money. Are they a receiver of any money from the United Fund? They don’t get any money either because of their pro- homosexual stance.
Yes, they receive funding from United Way. 😦 Another un-ethical Charity to avoid. Thanks for mentioning them.
Advertisement: Funding from United Way allows Ontario March of Dimes to make a difference in the community by providing employment supports which enable adults with physical disabilities to achieve independent and fulfilling lives.
United Way and March of Dimes
It sounds like “Alice in Wonderland” but the March of Dimes exists to eliminate birth defects, and one way they do that is by eliminating defective births.

Or to put it more cynically, they feel that if prenatal testing shows a defect, the baby should be aborted, rather than being born with a defect, because that’s bad for their statistics (showing how many birth defects they have prevented.)
Just a thought about giving to the United Way…

When the campaign is on, they will often try to pressure you into giving, despite the fact that you object to the causes they support. They’ll tell you that you can designate a United Way agency to be the recipient of your donation. What they don’t mention is that by doing that, you free up other people’s money to be given to the offensive causes. They don’t change the percentage of money given to each United Way member organization - they just try to make you feel good about giving.

The only way around this is to designate as the recipient of your donation an agency that is NOT a member of the United Way. That way ALL of your money must go where you indicate, and will not be divided up among the good and the bad. It’s only worth doing this if you are pressured to participate at your place of work. That’s a deplorable thing, too, but sometimes a reality. Check with your local crisis pregnancy centers - they often can be designated to receive your donation, but are not usually part of the United Way. They’ll tell you the procedure.

Oh thank you all so much for these posts! I have long been a supporter of MOD, thinking they were such a good organization. Right this minute I have a packet on my desk from them, that I am supposed to distribute to my neighbors. Now that I know their hidden practices, the packet will be going right back to them unopened.

I am horrified that my past support of this organization may have provided funding for abortions! May God forgive me for this, and for not digging deeper to find out what they are about.

Brenda M.
Nearly 18 years ago, newly married and idealistic, I took a job with the March of Dimes, thinking I would be “helping babies.” Less than 6 months later I had to quit, as I gradually discovered some of the less publicized aspects of the company that have been listed here.

One thing that may not be true everywhere else but was certainly true in the chapter of MOD where I worked was, I was the only straight woman at the company, out of over 15 women there. It took me less than a week to realize this odd fact. I felt very strange there. My husband jokingly called it the March of Dykes, (I mean no offense, just telling what he said).

When I announced my first pregnancy four months into the job, I was met with a stony silence, followed by patronizing smiles and obviously disapproving glances, a few half hearted “Congrats” and followed quickly by the question, “When will you be tested for defects?” When I said I had no intention of doing the AFP test, they were shocked and spent the next two months trying to convince me to do it.

I would find other charities to give my funds to.
This is along a similar thread as many of the other posters, but I have heard that the MOD supports and administers amniocentises (sp?) during the second trimester, which, from what I have read, can cause miscarriage. Also, the only reason for having amnio during the second trimester is for diagnosis, as nothing can be done at that stage to help a baby who may have some sort of malformation or genetic problem. The only thing that can be “done” is to abort an “imperfect” baby.:eek:

They shall recieve none of my money!
Oh thank you all so much for these posts! I have long been a supporter of MOD, thinking they were such a good organization. Right this minute I have a packet on my desk from them, that I am supposed to distribute to my neighbors. Now that I know their hidden practices, the packet will be going right back to them unopened.

I am horrified that my past support of this organization may have provided funding for abortions! May God forgive me for this, and for not digging deeper to find out what they are about.

Brenda M.
Please include an explanation for returning the package to them. Also inform them that you are contacting the neighbors to whom the info was to be distributed so they will not take over this task.
, I also know that PETA is against MOD because of their animal testing…they also ahve several articles on their site if you search for March of Dimes. Hope this helps!🙂
PETA to me is ridiculous. I’m personally for almost everything PETA is against, just on sheer principle. I grew up in upstate NY, and they wanted the state to rename a town from Fishkil to Fishlive. Regardless of the fact that kil was Dutch for creek or stream or something, not death. UGH BLINDING HATE FOR PETA.

As for stem cell research, I know the Church is against it, but there has to be some middle ground. I certainly don’t agree with the idea of using aborted fetuses for medical research, but a woman who carries her child to term and donates the cord blood is committing a sin? I don’t see how thats possible, especially when science thinks this can cure things from cancer, to alzheimers, to parkinsons, to apparently baldness.
I would agree that PETA is a rather extreme and often ridiculous org. I included it only because I knew it was another org that was against MOD. Sorry!!
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