Marian apparition dogma

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Shouldn’t what Mary says during apparitions be dogmatic seeing as she is the greatest of all creation and is sent by God. I.e. there are souls in hell for sure ( I believe she said there were souls in hell because not enough people made sacrifices/ prayed enough).
Private revelation is not binding on the world. If one genuinely believes Mary has spoken in a revelation though, then yes you should listen to it. One can even argue that others should listen to it also, but it is not intrinsically evil for someone not to
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If God wanted something to be dogma, it would be part of public revelation.
It’s not only Mary, many saints have said that many people go to Hell at any given time. People ignore the warnings of the saints at their own risk.
There’s a reason the Church accepts a only a relative handful of the Marian apparitions that have been reported. Because in many cases the Church decided the apparition was just the person’s own thoughts and reflections.

Or worse, an outright hoax like the woman in Texas who was caught last year. She claimed Mary was leaving rose petals for her, and then the church security cameras caught her dropping them herself.
Hello. I stayed for 16½ years at what I believed to be a true apparition site. Sure there was the unexplained strong smell of roses, the sun seeming to do stuff, and Rosary chains changing. Even the claimed visionary seemed to know things that they couldn’t know. Yet, after many years, the “visionary” became more controlling–and threatening. One had to obey or they and their family would go to hell. So for the past 5 years, I was terrified. The “visionary” claimed to have Elijah protecting them, and if we did anything against them, Elijah would get us. We were to refer to him as “the powerful one” or the “p.o.” All this time, I doubted but the fear was much more strong. Then that person got pancreatic cancer. I pretended to care, but I didn’t. I was told that once again, I (the driver) had to drive that person thousands of miles to Boston to get cancer treatment. I was getting stronger and said no. Another lady who was also a victim and I began to talk about our situation. I was a convert to the Catholic Church, so knew nothing of what the Church said about these things, that we didn’t need to believe anything said there for our salvation. Once I learned that, I said, “I’m out of here!” I had been laid off, and my health was terrible…and as is usual for a cult, as I now refer to that awful place, the cult leader manipulates members to cut off their families and friends. So getting in touch with my family, after refusing to talk to them for years—took much prayer and work. I and the other lady victim both cleared out of “The Center,” as the prayer house we’d been living in–without telling the cult leader–who called me, and I was at my Grandma’s. The cult leader was screaming and cursing and threatening at me. I had to have tons of counseling, and help from Priests, to get my bearings again. It’s been 10 years since the escape. The cult leader died of the cancer. I eventually forgave them.
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The cult leader was screaming and cursing and threatening at me.
Thanks for the story. This was the detail which most grabbed my attention, especially after the mention earlier of apparently “peacefull” miracles.
Wow, I’m so sorry that happened to you, and glad you got out ok!!!
Private revelation is not binding on the world. If one genuinely believes Mary has spoken in a revelation though, then yes you should listen to it. One can even argue that others should listen to it also, but it is not intrinsically evil for someone not to
One can suggest others should listen to it. It is not anything near evil for someone not to.
Shouldn’t what Mary says during apparitions be dogmatic seeing as she is the greatest of all creation and is sent by God. I.e. there are souls in hell for sure ( I believe she said there were souls in hell because not enough people made sacrifices/ prayed enough).
Public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle.

All revelations since then are private. Those approved are not required to be believed by Catholics.
Also private revelations can contain errors.

Private revelations add nothing to existing doctrine and contain no new doctrine.
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It should be emphasized that even approved Private revelations can attract supporters who promote shrines, websites, organizations, books, that are not in union with the Catholic Church. There is no copyright on “Fatima” for instance.

Thus, before you start to rely on the guidance or send money to any group, find out if they are approved by the bishop of the diocese where they are located. Even if there is a priest or nun on staff, it might not be.

The mainstream Marian groups focus on encouraging conversion, acts of spiritual and corporal works of Mercy. Consider it a red flag if they use “Mary” to oppose the pope, bishops, etc.

But don’t let the few abuses discourage you from approved ministries and spiritual nurturing.
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I was referencing the three fonts of morality. One can have an evil intention in not listening to an apparition, for instance refusing to do so in order to appear better than others would be a sin (pride). Circumstances could also make it a sin. It simply would be venial though (lacking grave matter).
I was referencing the three fonts of morality. One can have an evil intention in not listening to an apparition, for instance refusing to do so in order to appear better than others would be a sin (pride). Circumstances could also make it a sin. It simply would be venial though (lacking grave matter).
Why on earth would anyone do that. There are approved apparitions I do not believe. Why would any evil intention be attached to that?
I’m not saying there is. I am saying there could be. Not with you, but in general. Any act can be done with evil intention.
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