Marilyn Hickey Ministries

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I saw this woman on TV recently, and I just don’t know what to make of it.

What do you think?
She’s part of what some people derisively call the “bling-bling theology” crowd–Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Joyce Meyer, that bunch. I never was able to listen to her; her style speaks so loudly I couldn’t really hear what she was saying. Might have been a little personal feeling there. In any case, there’s a lot in what she preaches that orthodox Catholics would not be able to accept.

#1 she is a woman preaching in a somewhat Evangelical Meeting…I don’t think even they callit a church. Paul said for women to be quiet in church.:tsktsk:
#2. Yes she does seem to be a female version on Keneth Copeland. I think K. Copeland would be a good neighbor, but I don’t want to trust my soul to him. Reciently I say Copeland and Pastor Hagin telling jokes to each other in “tongues” and they displayed what they call the Holy Laugh. Hagin said the same 4 sylables over and over with different intonations. Copeland was more inventive.:whacky:
I looked at Marilyn’s article on the anti-Christ, and strangely enough, it didn’t mention the pope at all. They just mentioned a whole bunch of things like where he would come from, which lands he would rule, etc.
Exporter said:
#1 she is a woman preaching in a somewhat Evangelical Meeting…I don’t think even they callit a church. Paul said for women to be quiet in church.

Exporter - Does your disapproval of women speaking in church carry over to lectors, singing etc. or just preaching? I’m confused by your wording.
  • JP
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