Civil Discourse is no longer discourse, and it hasn’t been civil for a long time; if anything it is getting to open verbal warfare.
Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion; however the field he has chosen for work/career is to a great extent somewhere between very liberal and radical liberal, and his comments could be the end of his career.
I have no question that he may be entitled to his opinion; and in fact I am likely to take his side in any debate about free speech and what constitutes “hate speech” (any more, anything those spouting the term use to mean “I don’t like what you said and you are hurting my feelings”)
There is also the phrase “discretion is the better part of valor”. There are issues, real ones, about gender dysphoria; and that is an area where has taken a turn into the depths of non-reality, which borders on the depths of insanity. It goes far beyond the issue of common sense; it has been weaponized. Issues have occurred with young children which 40 years ago would have resulted in a minimum of the child being removed from the family home, and could have escalated to criminal child abuse charges.
We are on a course that is likely to get worse, and possibly far worse than many realize. Issues are being openly supported - not trial balloons, but openly, vehement supported - and when confronted with the reality behind the proposals, the supporters are not responding in a rational manner; rather, the proponent of facts is verbally, and if possible, financially destroyed.