I think I understand what you mean.
You love God and have faith etc.
but you still feel something is missing.
and that the something you are after is
the human intimacy of another.
I know you will find someone
(and it seems at times that this will never happen)
but it will and usually once you stop looking is when it happens.
(I don’t know why, it just does)
But even with Mr or Mrs right in our lives
that feeling of something missing remains,
we ALL have this and will All carry it around
until we take our first step into Heaven.
Ok, I’m going to be a little frank here.
I could be wrong about my interpretation of what you are saying,
so please forgive any unintended comments that could be
seen in the wrong light. I’m not judging I’m attempting to help
in my own clumsy way. or at least explain how most men really see things.
Based on your first post.
You seem to be focusing on what you want
and on what others can do for you.
and most of our modern world does this now,
and most of our modern world are unhappy.
you should be focused on what others want
and on what you can do for them.
Speaking as a man, this is what catches our eye
when we are looking for a serious relationship.
Men don’t want the fashion chasers and make up experts,
they are expensive to be with and are focusing on external things.
Real Men want a woman with a warm caring heart, compassionate, reliable
and trustworthy. We want that because we truly desire to return those gifts
to the woman we love.
Not wanting children will put many men off, for many reasons.
(Unless it is for your own medical / Health reasons)
The number one reason is that such a statement says that he
is to be given no consideration in the future possibilities of this relationship.
Who wants to be shut out of such decisions. No one (no man or woman wants that)
Despite what Hollywood puts out there, I know of no man that wants
to be disrespected or dictated to in anything to do with their relationship.
I’m not saying that, that is what you are doing.
I’m saying that this is how a Man might see it.
So if it is for medical reasons then say that, You don’t need to give out
any details, most men don’t want the details straight out anyway.
(I don’t want you to explain any of the reasons here) I’m just saying,
That if it’s not medical then it’s for personal reasons and your correct
this could be a problem.
What if you found a Mr perfect that (For medical reasons) couldn’t have children.
That would at first seem to fit perfectly, But ask yourself how you would feel
if the man you adore turned to you a year later and said “I would like us to adopt a child.”
What I’m trying to ask here is, what is more important to you.
The no children, or the relationship?
I may be way off track with all that, I don’t know.
But if not then I hope some of it helped.
You asked
So what kind of options are there? (That is not natural family planning.)
I’m sure you know as much as me, possibly more, but here is what I know of.
or find someone who can’t have children and doesn’t want to Adopt.
(perhaps a discrete add stating your plans and would like to meet same)
other than that I am of no more help.
Sitting here scratching my head doesn’t help you
and will only turn me bald
I don’t know if I have helped or hindered, (helped I hope)
Buy I do know I have prayed for you to have a life full of joyous moments.
May God Bless You and Care for You.