Hi there
I am new to this site and am seeking the answer or views on my situation.
I was born into the protestant faith and got married in Las Vegas in a non-religious ceremony to another protestant. This marriage broke down after 9 months. I then met a catholic man and through his encouragement I applied to the church for an anullment. After 5 years it was turned down. I went through the appeal procedure but it also was turned down so what i was wondering now is do i have any options to marry? that will allow my partner to remain within the catholic faith?
I have battled with this and have gotten quite annoyed as I was told by a priest that had I been a catholic and the man i married been a catholic that I would have got an anullment…
We are very much in love and have tried to approach this situation with respect and gain the approval of the church as it means a lot to us both, however after 8 years of being together and time is ticking, im 33 now and really would like children and like to be married…within the church.
Thanks in anticipation
Jane (northern Ireland)
I am new to this site and am seeking the answer or views on my situation.
I was born into the protestant faith and got married in Las Vegas in a non-religious ceremony to another protestant. This marriage broke down after 9 months. I then met a catholic man and through his encouragement I applied to the church for an anullment. After 5 years it was turned down. I went through the appeal procedure but it also was turned down so what i was wondering now is do i have any options to marry? that will allow my partner to remain within the catholic faith?
I have battled with this and have gotten quite annoyed as I was told by a priest that had I been a catholic and the man i married been a catholic that I would have got an anullment…
We are very much in love and have tried to approach this situation with respect and gain the approval of the church as it means a lot to us both, however after 8 years of being together and time is ticking, im 33 now and really would like children and like to be married…within the church.
Thanks in anticipation
Jane (northern Ireland)