Recently, the Supreme Court has been talking a lot about same-sex marriage, so I thought I would voice my opinion. For a little while I myself have been a proponent of marriage privatization. Today, state control of marriage is considered so normal and has caused so much controversy, but during the Middle Ages, a time where the Catholic Church dominated society, marriage was a private contract between two individuals. Marriage wasn’t a state institution, it was a religious one. But the rise of Protestantism helped to give the state more power than it previously had, as the power of the Church to limit the powers of these states decreased, and the state took it upon itself to regulate marriage. However, why do we need the state to define marriage for us? Has not the Church already done that for us? This is why I believe privatizing marriage would be the best idea. We would be putting marriage back in its rightful place: the Church. Canon law would regulate marriage for Catholics and people of other religions would be married in their own religious institutions. And same-sex couples will call their union “marriage”, but they would have no state recognition. What are your thoughts on this? Has the Church made any official statements on marriage privatization?
Pax Christi
Pax Christi