Me and my husband have been married now for 3 years. We have 2 small children together. We have been haveing problems for the past year or so, and has now resulted in me moving out. He has a drinking problem and it has caused some problems in our relationship. He had a drinking problem when we first met 6 years ago, and I didn’t have a problem with it then, but now that I have kids everything has changed. I want to try and work things out with him and he seems to want to work things out, but he is not willing to stop drinking or admit he has any sort of problem. Everything that has happened this far he says is from me blowing events out of proportion. Everyone who knows some of what is going on, keeps telling me I need to go and file for divorce and get as far away from him as possible. I made a promise to God when I got married and I said “Love, honor and obey. Till Death Do We Part,” But when the husband is around I don’t want him near me. But I miss him so much. I just don’t really know what I want, or why everything seems so complicated. I was baptised last year on easter, and my husband is a non-believer. I attend church regularly, yet have never been to confession. I feel like I need to talk to the priest, but I am not sure I can tell him everything that is going on and that has happened. What should I do? Should I keep trying to work things out?? Will going to confession help me more than praying has?? I am not sure of what to do. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.