This whole question pivots on your choice of the word
I like how you phrased your question by selecting the word “wise”. Interesting.
Wise? Regarding children rearing - no. As a Catholic, you are obligated to bring the children up as practicing Catholics. It can be very difficult (achievable mind you- but difficult) if you do not have a spouse that completely supports and understand all that this entails.
When a spouse does not practice or completely support your faith, he can indirectly undermine all the effort you have put forth in raising the children as solid Catholics. This can even happen when both parents are Catholic but one is not as devout.
Children get confused easily.
I will give an example. I married a non-practicing Catholic. He only went to church when I demanded but failed to go to confession. When it came time to take the children on Sunday, sometimes he would opt to stay home. This sent a mixed signal to the boys.
As parents, we are given to task of being role model and to lead by example. You cannot give your children sloppy modeling - or they risk becoming lazy Catholics.
These questions started developing that I had to battle:
- If dad can stay home from mass, why must I go?
- If dad does not need to go to confession, why must I?
- Dad says that confession is not really necessary - that he prays directly to God. Why can’t I do that? I hate confession.
- Dad never joins in saying the family rosary or never goes to Adoration, so why must I?
And the confusion grows stronger as your children grow and develop friendships with those outside the faith. Now they see Bobby’s family never goes to church. How is it Bobby gets to stay home on Sunday and I don’t?
The little secular things in life start creeping in - sports games scheduled on Sunday mornings, etc. These are the things that we, as parents, must combat. And the fight is hard!
Yes - some will tell you that you may be able to convert your spouse. But then you may not! Will this be a source of contention between you? Probably a big one if you are devoted to your faith.