Hello everyone! I’ve posted in prayer intentions and thank everyone for your prayers!
Now I need some other help, advice, and suggestions.
My wife and I have been married for less than a year, and while we prayed together almost every night when we were dating and engaged, I feel like our prayer life has gone down the toilet so to speak. Even my personal prayer life has suffered for a long time, and I’ve only returned within the last couple weeks with a devotion to St. Benedict and Lectio Divina. We go to Mass together on Sundays, but really that’s about it. She’s a teacher, so she’s usually tired after work and sometimes her schedule can be hectic. I’m really wanting to find that daily prayer time together but I don’t know how to go about it.
Thanks for your help!
Now I need some other help, advice, and suggestions.
My wife and I have been married for less than a year, and while we prayed together almost every night when we were dating and engaged, I feel like our prayer life has gone down the toilet so to speak. Even my personal prayer life has suffered for a long time, and I’ve only returned within the last couple weeks with a devotion to St. Benedict and Lectio Divina. We go to Mass together on Sundays, but really that’s about it. She’s a teacher, so she’s usually tired after work and sometimes her schedule can be hectic. I’m really wanting to find that daily prayer time together but I don’t know how to go about it.
Thanks for your help!