Married Life and Praying Together

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Hello everyone! I’ve posted in prayer intentions and thank everyone for your prayers!

Now I need some other help, advice, and suggestions.

My wife and I have been married for less than a year, and while we prayed together almost every night when we were dating and engaged, I feel like our prayer life has gone down the toilet so to speak. Even my personal prayer life has suffered for a long time, and I’ve only returned within the last couple weeks with a devotion to St. Benedict and Lectio Divina. We go to Mass together on Sundays, but really that’s about it. She’s a teacher, so she’s usually tired after work and sometimes her schedule can be hectic. I’m really wanting to find that daily prayer time together but I don’t know how to go about it.

Thanks for your help!
Night time seems like a good idea but when we are so tired and just need to crash that can require a great deal of willpower I think. It’s worth it of course. I’m sure God will understand especially as you are maintaining your weekend attendance.

Generally speaking I’ve found that if things are easy to do then we tend to keep it up over time. I know that as Catholics we should perhaps ignore the ‘easy to do’ option but we must also be realistic. So prayer which takes a reasonably short period of time and at a time of day when the days requirements are done is likely a habit you can stick to long term.

God bless.
The Angelus is a prayer that has long been prayed by laypeople. You could pray it together at 6pm if you are together, and maybe at 12pm know that you are praying together even if you are apart. I set it on a phone alarm so we don’t forget (it also helps that we eat dinner right at 6 most nights!)
Pray for her and maybe drop hints every once in awhile. I might tell my husband I’m praying a rosary and he’s welcome to join me. Sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn’t.

My husband and I have very busy lives. We both work full time and we have three children that take a lot of our time. Marriage and faith can wax and wain at times. You may have periods of time when you are on fire, times when you feel lukewarm, and other times where you feel nothing but hostility. The spouse’s job is to try and shoulder some burden through extra prayer and time and effort.

Hubby and aren’t big on praying together. We pray with our kids, as a family, more often. It has worked for us.

We’ve done other things like follow a guide to complete the Bible, cover to cover, in a year, adoration together, rosaries together.

Just talking to her and letting her know you are praying for her may inspire her to find some time.
Just recently posted about the benefit my wife and I have experienced from praying together. We go to mass together and lately I have been joining her when she prays the rosary. We find morning time when all is still quiet and peaceful as best time. I usually am awake at least an hour before her and I love sitting in the quiet room in our house where the environment sets a prayerful mood. I wish her and I would have prayed more together since beginning of marriage as I can see where temptations and doubts get stomped by doing so. Funny thing, she knows some prayers from memory I would have never thought she knew. I have learned so much about her in a couple days and we are approaching 29 years of marriage. But rather than regret not doing so well before, I cherish what I have been shown. Where I am stronger with bible and the catechism, she is stronger in prayer and now we are feeding each other spiritually. I’m rambling a bit but I am excited and want to encourage y’all to continue praying together as much as possible. I have been studying St Benedict’s rule for awhile as well and it is indeed some good stuff for us. Peace be with you
My husband & I had a similar situation when dating, we prayed together/ went to adoration regularly.
Once we were married, working with kids that changed… I just want to say it’s normal & warn you against making wife feel guilty or inadequate regarding this. My husband did this & it made me so that I never wanted to pray with him
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