Married men, if you have something to discuss that involves traditionally “sensitive” marital topics, such as sex, money, child rearing, is there anyone in your life you feel you can openly discuss it without at least holding back a little? A friend once asked me, “how come I can just say whatever I feel around you guys but around my wife I’m always on guard?”
Maybe it’s because we’re afraid of hurting her feelings? So we clam up or downplay it? Do we do it to hide our less attractive parts from each other?
Anyway, who do you turn to when you have a problem, let’s say nothing really big, but in a so-called “personal” area?
Oh, and this is a private poll, so technically anyone can vote other than Married Men and I can’t tell the difference, so if you want to vote based on your opinion of married men, help yourself!
Maybe it’s because we’re afraid of hurting her feelings? So we clam up or downplay it? Do we do it to hide our less attractive parts from each other?
Anyway, who do you turn to when you have a problem, let’s say nothing really big, but in a so-called “personal” area?
Oh, and this is a private poll, so technically anyone can vote other than Married Men and I can’t tell the difference, so if you want to vote based on your opinion of married men, help yourself!