No one explained the ramifications of my annulments to me. They were actualy submitted to the Chancery office by A Deacon I know in another Parish. Please excuse my ignorance but is the CCC the Catholic Catichism.? I would acknowledge that though I tried to live a chaste life with my present wife until her marriage was annuled and we were properly married in th Church, I have failed which brings me to Mortal Sin and unable to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation,because we are still Married.
You are so brave to admit not knowing something. Please do not let anyone who sounds like they’re speaking down to you like one person may have already keep you from asking questions.
No need to apologize for ignorance.
The CCC is a short way of typing “
Cathechism of the
There’s a convenient search engine on the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church at a Website put up by St. Charles Borromeo parish. Here’s the Web site for it:
You can type any words in the blank box on that page that you want to find out where those words show in the Catechism. It’s my favorite site for the Catechism. Or you can click on the Table of Contents to go to different parts of the Catechism that are of interest to you.
By the way, everyone in the world is called to a chaste life. As a married person, I am called to being chaste as is my husband.
The word “chaste” sometimes is used when the intended meaning is “celibate.”
The word “chastity” appears in 30 different paragraphs in the Catechism. Here’s a click-able list to those 30 paragraphs.
Here’s the results on just the word “chaste.” There’s only 5 paragraphs that have “chaste” in them.
Here’s the results on just the word “celibacy.” There’s only 5 paragraphs that have “celibacy” in them.
Similarly, here’s the results on just the word “celibate.” There’s only 2 paragraphs that have “celibate” in them.
Whether that helps you, or not, I don’t know.
Please know that I am praying for both you and for your wife on this. God knows that you are struggling with it. And are trying to obey Him. It’s tough… but please just try to hang in there. It’ll clear up!
One thing you can do right away as to ask that Deacon to speak with you about what it was that he did… and don’t let him off the hook until he either answers your questions AND points you to someone else whom you can ask about all this.
Knock, and it shall be opened. Seek, and you will find.
God loves you then, loves you now, and will always love you. ** Do not be afraid!!**