Apology if this is a long read but I need some help with this. I’m a Catholic and my husband isn’t any religion. We have been together for 7 years. We never got married in the Catholic church but by law (under the government) is where we both had officiated our marriage. The real reason we had got married was because I was carrying our first child and traditionally we must be married before child is born. Prior to being married we were together for 3 years however, adultery took place on both ends and mentally we were both not in a good place. I found out I was pregnant and fast forward to my pregnancy, giving birth, we baptized our child in the Catholic church. My parents who are full on Catholic believes my husband and I should get a blessing in the Catholic church so we can receive the eucharist. The problem is my husband doesn’t want to become Catholic because adultery took place with a person who was catholic and it has put him off my faith for Catholic (i dont blame him nor do I force him). Lately I feel like my faith has been tested and constant argument about being a Catholic. What options do I have when I want to receive the body and blood of Jesus and my husband doesnt want to?