I call it the deformation as well. When you look before that period three was the Catholics and Orthodox (who split off originally in 1054), some small groups such as the Coptics and Nestorians who are very Catholic in what they believe, and some come and go heretical sects. But 1515 came around and Martin Luther decided he was the best in the world at interpruting scripture and division like a cancer took Europe by storm. Luther himself said “there are more theologies than heads”. Anyone ever heard of a plan called “divide and conquer”. Now who’s plan might that be. Jesus “I pray that they may all be one”?. I’ll give you another guess. This is the fruits of Sola Scriptura in particular.
It is the sin of Korah’s rebellion where they tried to establish their own magesterium and teachers over Moses, God’s anointed.
Jude 1
11: Woe to them! For they walk in the way of Cain, and abandon themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error, and perish in Korah’s rebellion.
1: Now Korah the son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi, and Dathan and Abi’ram the sons of Eli’ab, and On the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben,
2: took men; and they rose up before Moses, with a number of the people of Israel, two hundred and fifty leaders of the congregation, chosen from the assembly, well-known men;
3: and they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them,** “You have gone too far! For all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them; why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?” (isn’t this what Luther was saying, we can all interprut scripture)**
4: When Moses heard it, he fell on his face;
5: and he said to Korah and all his company, “In the morning the LORD will show who is his, and who is holy, and will cause him to come near to him; him whom he will choose he will cause to come near to him.
6: Do this: take censers, Korah and all his company;
7: put fire in them and put incense upon them before the LORD tomorrow, and the man whom the LORD chooses shall be the holy one. You have gone too far, sons of Levi!”
8: And Moses said to Korah, “Hear now, you sons of Levi:
9: is it too small a thing for you that the God of Israel has separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to himself, to do service in the tabernacle of the LORD, and to stand before the congregation to minister to them;
10: and that he has brought you near him, and all your brethren the sons of Levi with you? And would you seek the priesthood also?
11: Therefore it is against the LORD that you and all your company have gathered together; what is Aaron that you murmur against him?”
12: And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abi’ram the sons of Eli’ab; and they said, “We will not come up.
13: Is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, that you must also make yourself a prince over us?
14: Moreover you have not brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey, nor given us inheritance of fields and vineyards. Will you put out the eyes of these men? We will not come up.”
15: And Moses was very angry, and said to the LORD, “Do not respect their offering. I have not taken one *** from them, and I have not harmed one of them.”
16: And Moses said to Korah, “Be present, you and all your company, before the LORD, you and they, and Aaron, tomorrow;
17: and let every one of you take his censer, and put incense upon it, and every one of you bring before the LORD his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; you also, and Aaron, each his censer.”
18: So every man took his censer, and they put fire in them and laid incense upon them, and they stood at the entrance of the tent of meeting with Moses and Aaron.
19: Then Korah assembled all the congregation against them at the entrance of the tent of meeting. And the glory of the LORD appeared to all the congregation.
20: And the LORD said to Moses and to Aaron,
21: “Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.”
It didn’t go well with them in the end. One can also reflect on the rebellion of Aaron and Miram who decided that they could hear the word of God as well as Moses. They were punished as well.