Martyrdom, is it for you?

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Dear friends

I have become increasingly aware of the TRUST that Marytrdom requires.

Are you willing to die for your faith???

I hope we all are…

God bless you and much love and peace to you

I could gladly go out in a blaze of glory, but I simply cannot put up with arrogant priests, lazy store clerks, idiots who drive 55 in the left lane, damp towels thrown on the floor, and people who criticize my writing. what needs to be consigned to the flames is my pride, anger, sloth and envy.
My Bible says that we will get persecuted for following Jesus. To me that says it all.
Pax vobiscum,
I could gladly go out in a blaze of glory, but I simply cannot put up with arrogant priests, lazy store clerks, idiots who drive 55 in the left lane, damp towels thrown on the floor, and people who criticize my writing. what needs to be consigned to the flames is my pride, anger, sloth and envy.
It occurs to me that martyrdom doesn’t just happen in a moment, but it is a moment that one prepares for all life long. If it came down to it, I hope that I’d go singing to my death as a martyr. But I don’t offer up my life well some days to my own family. If anyone ever comes knocking on my door looking to martyr me, I hope they catch me on one of my good days!
It occurs to me that martyrdom doesn’t just happen in a moment, but it is a moment that one prepares for all life long.
I agree. I think that in order to be able to give up our lives for Christ by dying, it helps to have practice giving up our lives for Christ every day. I’m not saying martyrdom is impossible if a person doesn’t live an extremely holy life, but I think it is much harder to die for our faith if we do not have a spirit of martyrdom in our everyday lives.
I wouldn’t mind it. I wouldn’t intentionally seek for it like some silly people did in the first century (local Roman governor: “There’s a cliff–if you really want to die, go jump!”), but if push came to shove, I would be happy to die that way.

And God can keep the 72 virgins and the rivers of wine 😛 Just give me one eternal minute on my face before the Throne.

Martydom takes a special grace from God. When many Christians were caught and tortured in the early church, some denied Christ to save their lives. I don’t think anyone can become a martyr without special grace from God. A huge problem evolved when Christianity was adopted as the official religion. Those who had renounced Christ, wanted to be admitted back into the church. Some very bitter conflicts arose. What would you as a faithful person have said?

Deacon Tony
A friend asked me one day if I was willing to die for anything. I told him that I would for my family, my friends, and my religion. However, that said, I would prefer to stay alive and spread my religion.

Great question. I often think of our brothers and sisters in Muslim lands who are persecuted for their faith. It amazes me. I don’t know if I have the strength to go to Church on Sunday if I knew some particular violence could happen to me or my family. I am talking very real violence. I’d like to think I could but I don’t know.

We should always remember our brothers and sisters in our prayers. We should also thank God for the wonderful country He has allowed us to be born in.

I think those who have the opportunity to become martyrs are blessed by God. When asked to die for your faith the Christian answer is very clear. What is more challenging I think is living to a ripe old age and still be faithful to the Lord.
I will if called for it . . . I go to Iraq in June. I would hope not at this stage but it’s the will of the father.
Dear friends

Hi Teresa,
Firstly people like Peter were more than willing to die for Christ and he managed , after a warning from Christ about his failure, to still fail.
Secondly, this is not a blaze of glory outing.
Consider something that should be far easier. Giving up your will , Can you do this? Or do you want to hang onto your will and pride rather than suffer an injustice. A friend of mine is in the unfortunate position of losing his life savings to a fellow Christian. Paul said it is better for us to suffer the loss than to bring the name of Christ into a mud slinging episode. ( not verbatim)
Now, before we ask each other can we give up our lives for Christ, ask yourself the less glorious question, can you give up your will, are you prepared to be a victim willing to suffer in silence, trusting in Christ that your life would not be that of a pauper if you “let go for Him”. Or would you stand on your righteous position and go to the courts for justice.
Let me witness.
I just recently returned from Australia after spending some 10 days " at home" . My mother and brother have just recently bought into a house and live together. They both have strong opinions and were at war and separated on my arrival in Brisbane in Australia. I spoke firmly to my mother as she is the practising Christian and told her unless she gave up her will, Christ may very well keep her alive for another 20 years. She is bored at 81. Now as is normal, both parties caused their problems. But it was her , my mother that I spoke to and told her to drop her pride and righteousness and go and hug my brother and tell him she loved him and ask him for forgiveness. She did, and I saw the sword of Christ. My brother was stunned and wordless and at last with my mother still up against him stammered, I’m not forgiving you right away. But the crisis was over and they were back talking very quickly afterwards.
I further told my mother that she had to rely on Him and not to argue with Len my brother or anyone but to trust in Him. A couple of days later, I was driving my son’s car and we left a shopping centre. We were a bit late for an appointment at my niece’s house and my mother wanted to go back to her place but I told her we could do that later if necessary and was determined to go forward. Would you believe I took the wrong turn and had to proceed until a u turn presented itself and then I missed the opportunity on the way back and again another one and was at this time fuming until the next exit and I realised this exit led to my mothers place. Then I realised I was being led by the Spirit- to go back to my mothers place as she desired. I swallowed humble pie and took mum home. All turned out well and I lost my grumpy attitude quickly, not wanting to be against Him and thanked Him for showing mum the importance of just asking and then not arguing but going to Him for His mercy. If it is His will it will be done.
On giving up your life.
On returning to Thailand, I went with a group of 200+ students on a student camp. One morning after exercises when the students were swimming one got into difficulties and I was the first to reach him. Two others came to assist and with our combined efforts we could not move closer to the shore. In Thailand there are no facilities. Now I have been given work by Christ and this work does not involve dying in the water at Hua Hin. I felt we were all going to drown and really felt I had been forsaken. I was tempted to swim to shore on my own so I could fulfill my work in Christ but didnt. I called out to Him with a loud shout in desperation. Then some large waves rolled into us and pushed us to shallower water so that occasionally I could feel the bottom. WIth only a little bit more drama we all ended up on the beach. The student was taken to ICU and survived and was back at school 4 days later. He praised me for my efforts but I knew what had happened. One I was so gratefull, immediately, for the the words of Christ on the cross came to me and I did not feel guilty for my thoughts of being forsaken. Secondly, from previous experiences I recognised this as a teaching from Christ. I had always believed that to give up your life was to give up your will, but now I know it involves not only giving up your will, but also your life.
Now I have never been in a situation where I had concrete forknowledge of the unpleasant experience before me. I just follow the leading , talking to God and Christ as a situation builds and trust that what I am doing is His will. Then you are in a situation. There is no replay button with a second option.
I also note that Paul did have forknowledge of strife on his journey to Jerusalem.
Walk in love
PS please pray for MariaG
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