Jperean, writer,
That is clear as mud.
Jesus has two natures, human and divine.
The human nature was created and joined to the divine.
The divine nature was uncreated.
I am speaking of nature as what a person can do.
A human nature, means the object can do as a human does.
That is their power.
A divine nature, means the object can do as God does.
The PERSON of Jesus is singular – Jesus --.
The NATURE of Jesus is plural (God and Man).
The person is represented by the Greek word: Hypostatic, but the nature may* be desicribed by the Latin word substance.
(*St. Thomas — probably with qualifications that I don’t care about.)
(Although the words are synonyms from different languages, the Catholic Church saw fit to use them for different meanings.)
Substance talks about God in his unity. Hypostasis talks about God as persons. (I stop there, Nothing more to say).
As to subsist being the same as existance:
–Umm, yes that is the dictionary definition.
But, subsist does have a slightly different connotation in the way it is used.
sub = under.
subsistence living means to draw ones life from some source.
A church subsists in the Catholic Church would also likely suggest it is inferior to the church as a whole, since it draws its life from the Catholic Church.
One could argue … lots of things,