Catholics speak what I call “Catholic shorthand.” It is an idiom for us to say “Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation.” We know that the only power that Mary and the saints have is the power of prayer. But we pray “as if” Mary or any saint can save us, or grant our prayer requests. But they cannot. We do this because the unspoken words are* understood* between us. God knows it. we know it, Mary knows it, the saints know it. We don’t have to say it.
A child says to his mother, get me a tricycle, knowing full well that it is father who will provide the tricycle. Mother is a “go-between.” But children leave out the part about “please ask Dad to get me a tricycle,” because it is understood. So it is with us when we talk to the saints.
John Paul II speaks Catholic shorthand, too. A pilgrim carrying a momento of Our Lady of Fatima called out to him, and he turned toward her voice at the precise moment that the assassin’s bullet tore through his body. Had he not turned, the bullet would have struck him straight on, and he would have died instantly. He credits Our Lady of Fatima for saving his life. He knows, as we all know, that Mary has no power to save his life – it was God who saved him, but JPII thanks the Virgin because she was the agent through which his life was saved.
Mary and the saints are only agents, but they have a lot of influence with the Boss. And any friend of God’s is a friend of mine (title of a book by Pat Madrid).
Blessed Father Damien, Pray for us!
***JMJ Jay