This book of the Bible is filled with mystery upon mystery. But perhaps this will help a bit. There have been two major interpretations of who the woman is, one that she is Mary the mother of Jesus and the second that she represents the Church. I think both of these are true, perhaps because on one level Mary is symbolic of the Church.
First of all the woman in Rev. 12 represents Jesus’ own mother. In fact according to line 4 she bears the Messiah, who will rule all nations and who who “is caught up to God and his throne.” It is interesting that the image of Mary of Guadualupe in Mexico is similar to the image of Mary in Rev. 12.
But this woman also seems ot represent the Church. The dragon, Satan, who knows his time is short, pursues her into the desert, where God protects her. The desert here seems to represent the world where we live, and certainly the world of those in Revelation who fact suffer persecution and travail.