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Mary is an icon of the catholic church. can the catholic faith hold itself with out Mary? i asked that one time in this forum and only one person said yes. the others went around it or did not respond to the question at all.
the Bible says that Mary was blessed among women and I believe it. even more than that. it is a fact that she was not picked randomly. it was prophesied. Jesus had to come from the tribe of Judah and the house of David. personally i believe that she had to be special for God to pick her.
here comes my first question. was she blessed cause she was picked to bring Jesus to this world or because of for her on account? is it something she did?
fact is that after Jesus was born Mary is only mentioned in the Bible a few times. one of those time is this one:

Matthew 12:46-50

46 While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak with Him. 47Then one said to Him, “Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You.”
48But He answered and said to the one who told Him, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! 50For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”

Nothing on the Bible says that she participated on delivering the Good News. Nothing about Mary being assumed into heaven or even mention on when she died.
If she indeed was assumed into heaven, when did that happen?
it had to be after after all of the apostles died cause none of it is registered in the Bible. something like like that would not be skipped.
John the beloved apostle was over 90 years old when he received the revelation of Jesus in the island of Patmos, so it had to happen after that.
i do believe She is in heaven, cause i cannot believe that knowing Jesus so close and specially knowing He was God made man she did not get saved.
do i believe she is the mother of God? no. she was the mother of the man Jesus. God had no mother. even saying it sound heretic.
i believe she is in heaven and she is doing what everyone else is doing there. worshiping God for eternity.
i strongly believe that if it could be possible for her to talk to the multitude of believers in the catholic church she would say:
Keep your eyes in Jesus. He is the way, the truth and life.
no one comes to the Father but thru Him.
God bless us all as brothers and sisters in Jesus. I hope for when the day of the Lord comes he will find us united in his love
Wow, I’m excited. A Manichean after all these years. . .

With all due respect, if Mary is not the mother of God, then she isn’t the mother of Jesus either. Jesus is not some split personality, half God, half man.

Looks like you are one who DOES believe that Jesus was neither fully human AND fully divine but a mixture of the two, and that anything relating to that gross, corporeal, HUMAN side is completely to be ignored in favor of the DIVINE. (I’d venture a guess that the whole emphasis on the “risen” Christ is a part of that, too, but it IS only a guess on my part). And now with Christ happily in heaven, no need to even CONSIDER that He was a man like us, with a mother, with a body, God MADE MAN who died for us.

Again, with all due respect, Mary is not what YOU would consider an icon (something like a false god. You seem to come perilously close to iconoclasty too. Heresy isn’t necessary limited to ONE type).

I believe that the Bible states, in Acts 1, that Mary was present with the 11 AND received the Holy Spirit with them. Tradition tells us that Luke received most of the information in his gospel from Mary. Hardly indicates that she was just a brief flicker, a little “incubator” to be thrown away once Jesus had been resurrected.

So, with all due respect, many posters have attempted to give you chapter, verse, dialogue and discussion about your concerns. If you don’t believe what we’re saying, that’s fine. But to keep opening thread after thread or making post after post with , “Yes, I hear you, BUT I STILL THINK. . .”

Well, that isn’t dialogue. It isn’t even particularly respectful. You KNOW this is a CATHOLIC forum. If you don’t want to even THINK ABOUT Catholic teachings and just want to keep on hammering us with your PERSONAL INTERPRETATIONS of Scripture, Mary and the saints, etc., might I request that you either open up a thread on “Non Catholic religions” and offer yourself as the resident Protestant apologist?? I don’t want to stifle your opinions, to which you’re entitled, but this broken record of “you Catholics worship Mary and nothing you say is going to change my mind” placed on thread after thread and post after post is not doing ANY of us any good. . .In my opinion, with all due respect and charity, and sincere wishes for God to bless you and yours.
You obviously don’t believe in the Trinity. Three persons in one God.
If Mary is the mother of the second person, then she is the Mother of God. In reading your statement, I do not feel you are genuinely trying to find the truth. Look at your own mother. Was she born just so you could be born? Do you love her? Did she in any way feed, clothe, bathe, cuddle or teach you anything? Did she spend time with you? As her grown child, do you now ignore her? Jesus did not have to have a mother at all, being God he could have appeared as a full grown man. He CHOSE to have a mother. As both God and Man, he not only knew the commandments but followed them and especially the one which states: HONOR your father and mother. After Jesus was found in the temple at the age of 12, he went and lived under their (Mary and Joseph) authority. Many things are not written in the Bible, such as Joseph dying but we all know he did. You quote Matt. 12:50. He most definately was talking about his mother because she DID the will of the Father her whole life. She was FULL of grace and never fell out of grace. Jesus was saying if you do the will of the father you are his brother & sister. Your arguments are useless here unless you only wish to appeal to those who are not Catholic. I challenge you to sincerely ask God to answer your question of Mary. You need to listen to him without your preconceived ideas but an open heart. I dare you to try.
Not only is Mary the mother of God, she was also a charter member in the Catholic Church… I don’t believe there was, is now or ever will be the consideration of the Mother of God as an interchangeable part… Like trying to talk about sunshine without the light of day… (for want of a better analogy)… 👍

to my question about the catholic faith holding itself without Mary i have to guess your answer is no.
Jesus was full man and full God. otherwise the work of the cross would not have any value.
i am not against the person of Mary. i am against the teachings and the traditions of the catholic church full of paganism and rites.
do not tell me that catholics only ask for Mary’s intersession and then come out saying she is the mother of God.
everytime i see a picture like the one this page has in the top left corner of this site it reminds me of how the catholic church pushes the idea that somehow Mary holds Jesus. making Mary more than a woman and God less than God.
He does not share HIS glory
You obviously don’t believe in the Trinity. Three persons in one God.
If Mary is the mother of the second person, then she is the Mother of God…
The one not believing in the Trinity is you. The second person of the Trinity, Jesus, the Word. did not come to exist on Mary’s womb.

) 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend1] it.
can the catholic faith hold itself with out Mary? i asked that one time in this forum and only one person said yes. the others went around it or did not respond to the question at all.
That’s probably because the question doesn’t really make much sense. What does “without Mary” mean? What does “hold itself” mean?
here comes my first question. was she blessed cause she was picked to bring Jesus to this world or because of for her on account? is it something she did?
My question is what does it matter? She was picked AND she perfectly submitted her will to God’s. Why do you have to make it an either/or question?
fact is that after Jesus was born Mary is only mentioned in the Bible a few times.
This is really only significant to one who holds to the false doctrine of sola scriptura, an invention of men. The bible is not the sole source of truth about the faith. If it were it would say so and there would be a divinely inspired table of contents. Christ founded a Church. He did not just commission a book. The bible itself says that not even everything Jesus said and did is recorded in writing. Why should we expect everything that Mary did to be recorded in writing?

All of the bible is true and divinely inspired but the bible does not containt ALL truth.
do i believe she is the mother of God? no. she was the mother of the man Jesus.
And Jesus is God incarnate. No Catholic believes that Mary pre-existed God. That’s simply not what “mother of God” means. (If that’s what you think Catholics believe, then provide a source which says so. Otherwise you’re just twisting things to mean what you want them to mean.)

The fact remains that Jesus IS God and Mary IS His mother. To deny that Mary is the mother of God is to deny the divinity of Jesus.
i strongly believe that if it could be possible for her to talk to the multitude of believers in the catholic church she would say:
Keep your eyes in Jesus. He is the way, the truth and life.
no one comes to the Father but thru Him.
🙂 Now you’re starting to catch on. This is exactly what she tells us and exactly why she is so special. She also says, “Do whatever He tells you.”
Jesus is God
Mary is Jesus’ Mother
Mary is the Mother of God

Sounds simple to me. 🙂
  1. That’s probably because the question doesn’t really make much sense. What does “without Mary” mean? What does “hold itself” mean?
    My question is what does it matter? She was picked AND she perfectly submitted her will to God’s. Why do you have to make it an either/or question?
2)This is really only significant to one who holds to the false doctrine of sola scriptura, an invention of men. The bible is not the sole source of truth about the faith. If it were it would say so and there would be a divinely inspired table of contents. Christ founded a Church. He did not just commission a book. The bible itself says that not even everything Jesus said and did is recorded in writing. Why should we expect everything that Mary did to be recorded in writing?
  1. All of the bible is true and divinely inspired but the bible does not containt ALL truth.
4)And Jesus is God incarnate. No Catholic believes that Mary pre-existed God. That’s simply not what “mother of God” means. (If that’s what you think Catholics believe, then provide a source which says so. Otherwise you’re just twisting things to mean what you want them to mean.)

5)The fact remains that Jesus IS God and Mary IS His mother. To deny that Mary is the mother of God is to deny the divinity of Jesus.

🙂 Now you’re starting to catch on. This is exactly what she tells us and exactly why she is so special. She also says, “Do whatever He tells you.”
  1. the meaning of “without Mary” is that any faith that needs to have anything else that God on the equation is a pagan one.
  2. this is not the first attack to the Bible i see in this forum. it understandable if “that book” does not back up what the catholic church teaches. the Bible is not a book. if you only read one or two verses from here and there you will miss what the Bible really is. it is God revealing himself to us. it is a love letter. it is, even from the old testament, a prelude to Jesus. His coming is what the whole Bible points to. but one thing is true, for a closed heart the Bible is a closed “book”.
    you are right Jesus founded the church, but not the roman catholic church. Jesus came and died for my so thru Him, by grace, i can be saved and have access to God the Father. a direct relationship with God. no need for anyone else.
    i dont a need priest to forgive my sins. God does it personally. now i dont directly to heaven like Jesus said. the catholic church teaches me that his work on the cross was not enough, i still need to go to purgatory. it also teaches me that Jesus hears Mary more than me and if i want results when i pray i better go thru her then directly.
  1. you are right that the Bible does not have all the truth. but, thank God, it does not leave room for lies.
    the catholic church claims that more than the Bible itself, traditions are to be trusted and followed. you are right there is traditions, but those traditions do not move one sigle inch from the original gospel:
Galatians 1:6-9 nails it

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. ** 8But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed**. 9As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.

dont you love verse 8?
there are traditions that the apostles followed. but verse 8 shows with out room for twisting that if those traditions are not what Jesus told us then they only want to pervert the gospel.
  1. the one twisting is not me. i said Mary is not the mother of God. if you understand that Jesus was full man and full God, that Jesus is the Son, the Word, the second person of the Trinity, and that the Word of God pre-existed his human body, isn’t a little overreaching to say that Mary was the Mother of God?
    it is more than overreaching it is blasphemy. i do see where it points alright. if Mary is the mother of GOD then she is not just a woman. She is sort of deity. then you can say she was sinless. you can say that she stayed virgin forever and that she was assumed to heaven and she did not know death.oh, and you can say that she is the queen of heavens.
    (by the way explain to me why Jesus who is GOD had to die on the cross and all of the apostles but one died a horrible death but Mary somehow was worthy of going directly to heaven)
  2. the ONLY fact is that GOD payed the price and He did it by himself. Saying that Mary was the mother of GOD and that she somehow improves my relatioship with GOD in any way not only denies the divinity of Jesus but also that HE is not almighty and that the work of the cross was not perfect.
I leave you this

Hebrews 4:12-13
12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account
i am against the teachings and the traditions of the catholic church full of paganism and rites.
Do you wear a wedding ring? If so, you might want to stop. It’s a pagan tradition. Do you put up a Christmas tree? It’s a pagan tradition. Do you color Easter eggs? Another pagan tradition. Do you say the names of the week? They have pagan roots.
the catholic church claims that more than the Bible itself, traditions are to be trusted and followed. you are right there is traditions, but those traditions do not move one sigle inch from the original gospel:

Galatians 1:6-9 nails it
Check out 1 Corinthians 11:2 where it says, “I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold fast to the traditions, just as I handed them on to you.” Try 2 Thessalonians 2:15 where it says, “Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.” How about 2 Timothy 2:2? “And what you heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.”

Remember, the Bible wasn’t even around 2000 years ago. Knowledge about Jesus was passed on ORALLY. Doesn’t it make sense that Jesus would want to leave behind a church which would ORALLY teach what He taught? How else could the Bible have ever been written?

As for Mary being the Mother of God, a couple of others have already tried to explain it in what I thought was a clear way. As they already said, if Jesus is God and Mary gave birth to Jesus who is God, then Mary is the Mother of God! The fact that Mary was a real human, not a “deity,” shows the humbleness of Jesus. God chose to become one of us, and He used Mary’s womb to do it.

Doesn’t it make sense that if God (who is totally pure) is going to become man through a human, He would choose a pure vessel? Mary was that pure vessel. She was saved by Jesus, but by the grace of God in a special way before Jesus was born. Since Mary was a pure vessel, then of course she would be capable of being assumed into heaven.

Do you think that Mary just had Jesus and then Jesus forgot about her? If He honored His own mother, doesn’t it make sense that He would want us to honor her? The Bible says that she will be called “blessed,” and so she is.

As Catholics we ask Mary to intercede for us before her Son. Do you ever ask someone to pray for you? If so, then you are using them as intercessors the way that we ask Mary to intercede. Doesn’t it make sense that Jesus would listen to His own Mother before someone here on earth? Mary would never want to keep us from her Son. Her only goal is to draw us closer to Him and point out the way. Mary has told visionaries to read the Bible for at least 15 minutes each day. Is reading the Bible going to draw you closer to Jesus? I would hope so.

I know from another post of yours that you used to be Catholic. Did you read about and try to understand the teachings of the Catholic Church before you left? Before leaving the Church, it would be best to research it before leaving to research another.

All of your questions eventually lead back to what Authority you accept. If you’re only going to believe in the Bible and what it says, then you’d have to stop believing in batteries, television, and other modern conveniences because they don’t exist. They aren’t mentioned in the Bible. The word Trinity isn’t in the Bible, but you seem to believe in it.

The Catholic Church is the one who put the canon of the Bible together and said that these books were inspired. How do you know that the Bible is inspired? I know because the Church tells me so, and I accept that Jesus left ONE Church behind to authoritatively interpret the scriptures.

I think God led you to this forum for a reason. I’m glad you’re here!

God Bless!
Do you wear a wedding ring? If so, you might want to stop. It’s a pagan tradition. Do you put up a Christmas tree? It’s a pagan tradition. Do you color Easter eggs? Another pagan tradition. Do you say the names of the week? They have pagan roots.

Check out 1 Corinthians 11:2 where it says, “I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold fast to the traditions, just as I handed them on to you.” Try 2 Thessalonians 2:15 where it says, “Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.” How about 2 Timothy 2:2? “And what you heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.”

Remember, the Bible wasn’t even around 2000 years ago. Knowledge about Jesus was passed on ORALLY. Doesn’t it make sense that Jesus would want to leave behind a church which would ORALLY teach what He taught? How else could the Bible have ever been written?

As for Mary being the Mother of God, a couple of others have already tried to explain it in what I thought was a clear way. As they already said, if Jesus is God and Mary gave birth to Jesus who is God, then Mary is the Mother of God! The fact that Mary was a real human, not a “deity,” shows the humbleness of Jesus. God chose to become one of us, and He used Mary’s womb to do it.

Doesn’t it make sense that if God (who is totally pure) is going to become man through a human, He would choose a pure vessel? Mary was that pure vessel. She was saved by Jesus, but by the grace of God in a special way before Jesus was born. Since Mary was a pure vessel, then of course she would be capable of being assumed into heaven.

Do you think that Mary just had Jesus and then Jesus forgot about her? If He honored His own mother, doesn’t it make sense that He would want us to honor her? The Bible says that she will be called “blessed,” and so she is.

As Catholics we ask Mary to intercede for us before her Son. Do you ever ask someone to pray for you? If so, then you are using them as intercessors the way that we ask Mary to intercede. Doesn’t it make sense that Jesus would listen to His own Mother before someone here on earth? Mary would never want to keep us from her Son. Her only goal is to draw us closer to Him and point out the way. Mary has told visionaries to read the Bible for at least 15 minutes each day. Is reading the Bible going to draw you closer to Jesus? I would hope so.

I know from another post of yours that you used to be Catholic. Did you read about and try to understand the teachings of the Catholic Church before you left? Before leaving the Church, it would be best to research it before leaving to research another.

All of your questions eventually lead back to what Authority you accept. If you’re only going to believe in the Bible and what it says, then you’d have to stop believing in batteries, television, and other modern conveniences because they don’t exist. They aren’t mentioned in the Bible. The word Trinity isn’t in the Bible, but you seem to believe in it.

The Catholic Church is the one who put the canon of the Bible together and said that these books were inspired. How do you know that the Bible is inspired? I know because the Church tells me so, and I accept that Jesus left ONE Church behind to authoritatively interpret the scriptures.

I think God led you to this forum for a reason. I’m glad you’re here!

God Bless!
Very well said!!! 👍
Very well said!!! 👍
I must agree! 👍

Like someone in this forum said, “Jesus left us a Church, not a book! The book came later.”
My only question would be which of the 10 Commandments did Jesus break? No matter which system you use to number them, Jewish, Catholic, or Protestant, the answer is NONE. From there, you must ask since our Christ is risen indeed, which Commandment does he no longer follow? Again, he still perfectly follows all of them. He still honors his mother. Why shouldn’t we.

Revelation: John saw the Arc in heaven and it was a WOMAN. Which woman? Mary. Simple.

Mary was the first Christian. She was with the APostles at Pentecost. Why was she there, if she was not to go out and proclaim the Gosple? Simple, she needed the grace to be the mother to all of these who were about to me martyred. Did you have a close friend growing up? Was their mother not like your own? Even before Jesus proclaimed Mary to be the MOther of all Christians, she was the mother to the Apostles. Not literally, but I guarentee you they saw her as their mother. Why? Because that is how humans are. She had witnessed her own son’s death, now she would witness the deaths of most of those who followed Him. Remember Simion? Her heart would be pierced so that the hearts of many would be made known. How many times would she weep for her Son and his followers? Without the Holy Spirit, it would have been too much.

Call me pagan, I’ve been called worse. Tell me I am wrong, for I have been told that before. Tell me how the Church will carry all of us Catholics to hell. It does not matter for I trust the Pillar and Bulwark of the Truth (1 Tim 3:15), and in her founder, Jesus Christ, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.
He does not share HIS glory
If Christ is not sharing his Glory why did Christ:
  • shared his authority to forgive sins (John 20:21-23)
  • shared the keys to the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:18)
  • and the authority of htose keys
  • shared the authority to bind and loose with the other apostles
  • give the saints thrones from which we are to judge others (Revelation)
  • allowed us to be partakers of the Divine Nature?
  • shares us His grace so that we may go to Heaven
I don’t know about you, but Christ shares more than you believe Him to do. As God, He can do what He wills, and He shares!
i took the time to read all of your posts.
first of all. i never said that any of you are going to hell. that would be saying that somehow i am better than any of you, and if you read any of what i said more than one time, my problem is not with any of you. we are all brothers in Christ. do not take what i say as a personal attack.
just last night i was talking to my wife and telling her that i believe that many catholics will be saved.
anyone knows that the doctrine of the roman catholic church is not controlled by the church (the believers) anymore and long ago drifted away from those traditions that you are talking about.
of course traditions were transmited orally. of course what we now know as the Bible came after. does that take away the authority of the Bible?
can the traditions say “white” and the Bible say “black”. no
i think, one more time, Galatians 1:6-9 say very clearly that if ANYONE, even the apostles or the church come up with something different (remember verse 8 **8But even if WE, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed) **then they are just trying to pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
is the catholic doctrine reflecting those traditions like a perfec reflection on a mirror?
what Jesus told us started those traditions that were first transmited orally. then those traditions were written on paper. that “book” is the Bible. the inspired Word of GOD. can the teachings of Jesus that generated those traditions contradict the Bible?
again, not against you or Mary. i am against the pervertion of the Gospel that Jesus gave us.
i took the time to read all of your posts.
first of all. i never said that any of you are going to hell. that would be saying that somehow i am better than any of you, and if you read any of what i said more than one time, my problem is not with any of you. we are all brothers in Christ. do not take what i say as a personal attack.
just last night i was talking to my wife and telling her that i believe that many catholics will be saved.
anyone knows that the doctrine of the roman catholic church is not controlled by the church (the believers) anymore and long ago drifted away from those traditions that you are talking about.
of course traditions were transmited orally. of course what we now know as the Bible came after. does that take away the authority of the Bible?
can the traditions say “white” and the Bible say “black”. no
i think, one more time, Galatians 1:6-9 say very clearly that if ANYONE, even the apostles or the church come up with something different (remember verse 8 **8But even if WE, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed) **then they are just trying to pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
is the catholic doctrine reflecting those traditions like a perfec reflection on a mirror?
what Jesus told us started those traditions that were first transmited orally. then those traditions were written on paper. that “book” is the Bible. the inspired Word of GOD. can the teachings of Jesus that generated those traditions contradict the Bible?
again, not against you or Mary. i am against the pervertion of the Gospel that Jesus gave us.

I never took it to be a personal attack. In fact, I have never seen you attack anyone personally. I am sorry that you felt that I did. I put that there for effect. Now then, about the whole tradition thing. The Church’s traditions do not contradict scriptures. They cannot do so. Paul tells us to hold fast to the traditions we learned (2 Thess. 2:15) and to shun those who act against traditions (2 Thess 3:6). Paul in Acts uses a quote from Jesus not found in the Gosple, and no one questions that. I have never been shown where the Catholic church has decended into pagan practices in a convencing manner, nor have I ever seen where the Church teaches anything that is against scripture. Again I quote 1 Timothy 3:15.
By the way, you are correct that the doctrine of the Church is not controlled by the believers. Never has been. The Holy Spirit steers the ship.
then those traditions were written on paper. that “book” is the Bible. the inspired Word of GOD. can the teachings of Jesus that generated those traditions contradict the Bible?
again, not against you or Mary. i am against the pervertion of the Gospel that Jesus gave us.
How do you know for sure that the Bible is inspired?

None of our traditions contradict the Bible. They are better understood now. Our traditions, with a small t, do change over time. Our Traditions, with a capital T, do not.

Most of this comes down to interpretation of the Bible. How do you know that you are interpreting the Bible correctly? Think of Acts 8:30-31. “Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said, 'Do you understand what you are reading?: He replied, ‘How can I, unless someone instucts me?’” Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be in His church. Can the Holy Spirit teach error? No.

If you accept that idea, why would Jesus start a bunch of churches which all teach different things? Which one is teaching correctly? How do you know? Wouldn’t Jesus have to start ONE church? And if he started that church, would He let it fall into error?

Do you have the authority to interpret the Bible correctly? If you pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance, and others of other faiths are doing the same thing, then how can we have so many different churches with different interpretations? Again, that would be saying that the Holy Spirit teaches error, which we know is not true. Jesus had to set up a church which would have the authority of God behind it. If you read history, the only logical conclusion you can come to is that Jesus started the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was the very first church.

I really am interested in knowing how you know that the Bible is inspired.

Just some things to think about.

God Bless!
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