Mary's love for Joseph

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Hello. So, this is a strange question but: what was the nature of Mary’s love for Joseph? The marriage between them was valid and they lived like a married couple (except for the sexual aspect) and loved each other as husband and wife. Is it possible that the love between them had romance?
No one knows. We can logically assume that they had a close, and deep affection. Joseph took very good care of Mary and the Child Jesus. I’m sure they loved him deeply as well. Remember, they both entered into this willingly, for love of GOD first. Both were very devout and humble people. Their goodness certainly was a beautiful thing.
God bless.
No one knows. We can logically assume that they had a close, and deep affection. Joseph took very good care of Mary and the Child Jesus. I’m sure they loved him deeply as well. Remember, they both entered into this willingly, for love of GOD first. Both were very devout and humble people. Their goodness certainly was a beautiful thing.
God bless.
I agree with your comment. Joseph and Mary were married in the fullest sense of the sacrament. They were joined by God, lived their lives focused on God (literally), and committed to their marriage (as far as we know, neither divorced or remarried in their natural life times.) They remained chaste in their marriage as some couples choose to do so even to this day. I think where we modern day (especially Americans) get stuck on is the chastity aspect. We have a mistaken belief that marriage is all about the conjugal intimacy between husband and wife when that is one aspect and not the only or most important aspect of marriage.
I believe they gave themselves to one another
in their souls and wished the best for the other.
Mary took care of Joseph as he lay dying and
brought comfort to him in his last hr(s).
Hello. So, this is a strange question but: what was the nature of Mary’s love for Joseph? The marriage between them was valid and they lived like a married couple (except for the sexual aspect) and loved each other as husband and wife. Is it possible that the love between them had romance?
My husband was very ill with heart trouble almost 10 years before he died.(he was only 49) Sex was out of the question but we found out our affection for each other took on a whole new meaning. Love means so much more than just sex. Our society is so over concerned with sex, sex, sex, the more the merrier, the wilder the better, and look where it’s leading us. We are loosing the true meaning of love and sacrifice and sacredness. Its getting degrading and unnatural in so many ways. Our young people may NEVER know what true love really is. It is soo sad.

Mary and Joseph’s love was sooo much higher than anything we will ever know it’s hard for us to comprehend. And they will have that forever!!! Another of God’s great mysteries. God Bless, Memaw
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