Mask mandates ‘all about submission,’ Senator Rand Paul M.D. says

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Mask mandates ‘all about submission,’ Rand Paul says​

‘It’s all about submission. They want you to submit to their will’

Tue Dec 22, 2020

By Calvin Freiburger LifeSiteNews

WEST PALM BEACH, December 22, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Requiring Americans to wear masks in public spaces is “all about submission,” not science, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said over the weekend in his latest remarks against overreach in COVID-19 response measures.

“It’d be one thing if we were told you have to give up your liberty, you have to give up your freedom, we’re going to save your life. But what if you have to give up all your freedoms and they’re wrong on the science?” Paul told Breitbart’s Alex Marlow during Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit. “Every one of the mandates — and you look in country after country, state after state — you look at when the mask mandates went in — the incidents went up exponentially after the mandates.”

“The trajectory of the virus hasn’t been altered at all by any of these things,” he continued. . . .

. . . Paul noted. “The N95 mask actually does work to a certain extent, if worn properly and used [with] sterile technique. In the hospital, our doctors — I have a brother and sister who are doctors, they wear the N95 mask, and it’s kept them from getting infected — but there’s no value to the cloth mask, at all. It’s like wearing your underwear.”. . . .

. . . In the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams counseled against wearing masks as did Fauci himself . . .

. . . the CDC’s September acknowledgement that masks cannot be counted on to keep out the coronavirus when spending 15 minutes or longer within six feet of someone, or a May 2020 study published by CDC’s peer-reviewed journal Emerging Infectious Diseases which “did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility.” . . .

. . . Paul, an opthamologist who himself tested positive for COVID-19 in March, has also proposed legislation to help parents move children from locked-down public schools to open schools of their choice, and confronted Fauci in Senate hearings for making “wrong prediction after wrong prediction” about the pandemic.
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you look at when the mask mandates went in — the incidents went up exponentially after the mandates.”

I like Paul, but this is ridiculous.

Pandemics happen. When the virus is novel, there are no vaccines or cures yet.

Blaming the inevitable surges on efforts to slow the spread is really irrational.

That’s like rejecting authorization of a vaccine because it can make your arm sore. Your arm is sore because someone stuck a needle in your muscle lol.


I gotta quit watching any news involving politicians.
Blaming the inevitable surges on efforts to slow the spread is really irrational.
I didn’t get that he was “blaming” the surges on mitigation.

I got the sense that he was referring to the eventual inevitability of this (on society as a whole) DESPITE mitigation.

Yes mitigation slows the spread (but does not stop it).

This doctor from Stanford is saying the same thing (in this case about the lockdowns) . . . .

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I don’t understand why you keep saying this as a justification for rejecting mask wearing
I have never said that! (I also don’t understand why you keep saying this.)

Please stop saying that. It is FALSE. I have told you that multiple times.

What I reject is FORCED Government MANDATED mask wearing.
Strategy behind lockdowns outlined by Stanford Professor of Medicine . . . .

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