Mass for Priestly Vocations

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Towards the back of the sacramentary are a set of prayers for various needs and occasions. This poll is directed to those who attend daily Mass. I’m just interested in how often we use the greatest prayer at our disposal to pray for vocations.
I attend mass daily, however, I have to say, I will have to ask our celebrants why they have never used this prayer. Our visiting priest uses a variety of Eucharistic prayers that are available for daily mass including frequently the Latin one, but I don’t remember that one for priestly vocations.
Here are the texts to see if it helps ring a bell
opening prayer:
Father, in your plan for our salvation you provide shepherds for your people.
Fill your Church with the spirit of courage and love.
Raise up worthy ministers for your altars and ardent but gentle servants of the gospel.
Grant this through …
Prayer over the Gifts:
Lord, accept our prayers and gifts. Give the Church more priests and keep them faithful in their love and service.
Grant this …
Prayer after Communion:
Lord, hear the prayers of those who are renewed with the bread of life at your holy table.
By this sacrament of love bring to maturity the seeds you have sown in the field of your Church;
may many of your people choose to serve you by devoting themselves to teh service of their brothers and sisters.
We ask this. . .
I try to use this Mass at least once a month during ordinary time.
I have heard it but never at a Sunday Mass sometimes at school Masses. But the students everyday pray a prayer for vocations if that helps.

Father you will be happy to know that exposition is done twice a month as well for vocations. One day is for the students in the boys and girls school and one day is for the parents.

We do have people praying for vocations I am proud to say.
I have heard it but never at a Sunday Mass sometimes at school Masses. But the students everyday pray a prayer for vocations if that helps.

Father you will be happy to know that exposition is done twice a month as well for vocations. One day is for the students in the boys and girls school and one day is for the parents.

We do have people praying for vocations I am proud to say.
I ask the question because I talked to some priests in my diocese who said they didn’t even realize they were there or they had forgotten about the other possible prayer texts.

They should not be used on Sunday, but can be used on weekdays of ordinary time which do not have a proper Mass, ie, a obligatory memorial, feast or solemnity.
Since I’m contemplating the priesthood, I’ll comment. I’ve never heard of that prayer for the Mass. It sounds like a good idea. My parish has a Vocation Cross that they give out every other Sunday Mass for the laity. It comes with a prayer card. The only thing that I dislike is when the priest says stuff like everyone is called; you have a vocation as a single life or married life, etc. Anyways, I know this is true, but it seems if you want to foster *specifically priestly * vocations, then you should pray for them specifically. But this is just my opinion. Using that prayer for the Mass sounds like an excellent idea.
Since I’m contemplating the priesthood, I’ll comment. I’ve never heard of that prayer for the Mass. It sounds like a good idea. My parish has a Vocation Cross that they give out every other Sunday Mass for the laity. It comes with a prayer card. The only thing that I dislike is when the priest says stuff like everyone is called; you have a vocation as a single life or married life, etc. Anyways, I know this is true, but it seems if you want to foster *specifically priestly *vocations, then you should pray for them specifically. But this is just my opinion. Using that prayer for the Mass sounds like an excellent idea.
Dear Ace…would you want me to add your name to the list of vocations/seminarians that we pray for on our thread of The Perpetual Prayer for Priests/Seminarians/vocations/ It is a continual prayer of the rosary with prayers for all at each mystery and between…what’d’ya think? 🙂

Fr Leo…can I use these prayers for said thread? 🙂
Dear Ace…would you want me to add your name to the list of vocations/seminarians that we pray for on our thread of The Perpetual Prayer for Priests/Seminarians/vocations/ It is a continual prayer of the rosary with prayers for all at each mystery and between…what’d’ya think? 🙂

Fr Leo…can I use these prayers for said thread? 🙂
These prayers are right out of the sacramentary. There should be no problem using them. They make up the prayer of the Church.
I also like this one:

you have given me charge of your family
not because I am worthy
but because of your infinite love.
Help me to fulfill my priestly ministry
under your loving rule
by guiding the people entrusted to my care

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
Dear Ace…would you want me to add your name to the list of vocations/seminarians that we pray for on our thread of The Perpetual Prayer for Priests/Seminarians/vocations/ It is a continual prayer of the rosary with prayers for all at each mystery and between…what’d’ya think? 🙂

Fr Leo…can I use these prayers for said thread? 🙂
Yes, that would be so nice. Thankyou so much!
+In Christ,
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