Mass Intentions. xx

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Having a Mass said for someone is more efficacious than any prayer? More than many Rosaries?

Are all Mass intentions the same?

Is it different depending on the priest/bishop?
Or whether it is a solemnity, Sunday Mass, weekday Mass?
Or how many people are in the congregation?

One Mass intention for someone living is how much more than one for a deceased person?
Having a Mass said for someone is more efficacious than any prayer? More than many Rosaries?
Yes. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is THE prayer of the Church.
Are all Mass intentions the same?
I’m not quite sure what you are asking. Each mass intention is whatever the requestor requested, so they are all different.
Is it different depending on the priest/bishop?
Or whether it is a solemnity, Sunday Mass, weekday Mass?
Or how many people are in the congregation?
One Mass intention for someone living is how much more than one for a deceased person?
More what?
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